Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

I gave some EE eggs to a friend (very much a city girl even though she pretends to be "country" when she plays one on stage), all shades of blue, green and pinkish with some brown thrown in (mixed flock!). she was ok with with them until a mutual friend told her the colored ones were duck and goose eggs!

I get the "you need a roo for eggs" all the time.

The "crack open an egg and find a chick" is pretty common too. And those are store bought eggs too!

Roo's only crow at the butt crack of dawn. People seemed amazed that my roos crow any time there is the smallest amount of light, sometimes even in the dead of night. (I think that one crowed in his sleep.) I've been told I have freaks for roos because they crow all day.

Chickens will lay an egg a day for a year, then they stop. They only live for 2 years at most.

Chickens cannot be mixed with other livestock because they will give them diseases and lice. sigh.

Chickens can not fly. (then what are those feathered things in the trees up over your head????)

You cannot eat bantam eggs.

Eggs are bad for your cholesterol.

Eating/drinking raw eggs will give you worms.
He replied on post #54.

Here's another green egg joke...

I have a bunch of Guineas and chickens free ranging around the house and farm. One of my faithful egg customers finally got up the gumption to ask me what color guinea eggs are. I paused, a little confused as to why he wanted to know, and then proceeded to describe a guinea egg's appearance in detail, and even showed him a couple. Then he asked "Then where are the green eggs from?" Suddenly realizing why he was asking, and trying to keep a straight face, I told him that I have a few Ameraucana mixes, a rare South American breed of chicken that lay blue and green eggs, and that they're no different from the brown eggs. Poor guy thought I was selling him some exotic eggs!
I have one for everyone on the fertilized eggs myth. There is a lady down the street from us who raises over a hundred chickens for eggs and meat. She says that she has absolutely no roosters because it would be sick and disgusting to eat a fertilized egg. I told her that nothing happens until it's incubated for several days and that an egg takes about 3 weeks to hatch a chick out of it. She said that she collects eggs every day and that fertilized eggs are just disgusting
to think that you're eating anything but the "egg" itself.

Oh well...
I have gotten the " don't you need a rooster to get eggs?" question many times....

i do not know about other parts of the country, but up here in the northeast there used to be a commercial from the "egg council" (whatever that is???) with the jingle "brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh!" this may be the origin of that myth... i believed it until i got into raising chickens and learned the truth
I love my chickens and their eggs, but pre- chickens, I used to buy eggs from a friend .... you know where this is going.... Apparently it was her son's chore to collect the eggs they sold and he hadn't been doing his job well. Needless to say that instead of the lovely farm fresh fried egg I was expecting, a dead 3/4 developed chick fell into my pan javascript:insert_text('

I never bought eggs from her again
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I had some first time country folk, who were reliable egg customers, ask me to raise them some fryers so they could stock their freezer with farm fresh meat. Well when the young cocks were eating size the folks came over to pick them up and said this would be a first time butchering chickens for them. They only had one main question: "how long to we have to boil them to get the feathers off?" Needless to say we ended up processing the birds in our yard with me guiding them through the process. They had planned on using a 22 to shoot each bird until I showed them that a well placed axe would do the job quickly with much less noise and without the cost of ammunition.
In my early twenties, when I was quite a drinker, I decided to get some protein into myself before I went to work after a night of over-indulging in hard liquor. Hot skillet, sizzling butter, one egg into it, and I cracked the second egg right over the first. A partially formed chick plopped into that skillet.

I went to work sans breakfast, nauseated as all get out. My dad came by later with a huge, rare hamburger and Orange Julius for me. (I'd gotten crocked at my parent's house and he felt sorry for me.)

This was over 30 years ago. I really didn't think that happened any more. But it HAS happened, and to me.
That is SOOOO like my own Mother, I had to LOL.
My daughter and I are vegetarian, and she was trying to offer us some lunch; "I can cook you a hamburger, how about a ham sandwich"
We said "No thanks Mom, we can eat a PBJ", but she kept offering "I've got this chicken salad...?"
we said "No, really PBJ is perfect."
She finally said "Why NOT?"and we said "we don't eat anything with a face" and she said "but chickens don't have a face..."
(Well, no, not once they've been processed into chicken salad)
...Needless to say that instead of the lovely farm fresh fried egg I was expecting, a dead 3/4 developed chick fell into my pan javascript:insert_text('

I never bought eggs from her again

They actually have a name for that: balut.

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