Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

The one i get the most is " Arent chickens really bad for your health? being so dirty and all..." and then the people who think that my silkies arent even chickens but mammals of some sort. Those people crack me up
my wife mom thought all chickens where the same and asked why we did not eat all of then WIFE said would you eat a 40$ chicken
my coworker asked me wich hole the egg came out of

was at the county fair this year 4h had given red sexlik pulets to raze and show some thought they where roos because they had combs or they where red (and all roos are red)

or that all bared chickens are dominque

and still some chicken pepole say that you can sex your chick by the comb alone haaahaahaaa
erm... gotta ask... why were you taking a rooster to church?


Was wondering the same thing myself. Maybe the rooster needed baptized. Those sinning roosters!

Most roosters I know would be headed for an EXORCISM not a baptism. Little snots.
I had to argue with this kid in chemistry about chickens. He said the girls aren't called chickens, they are called hens. And that the boys aren't called chickens they are called roosters. I had to explain to him that chicken was the species, just like young dogs are called puppies but they are still dogs. I don't think he understood because he said "whatever" and chuckled.
I only know one other girl at my school who has chickens and she understands.
Eating eggs will raise your blood cholesterol. Not only is this not true but it is still believed by many medical professionals. In fact, the opposite may be true. That and there is good evidence that high cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease but the result of the body trying to combat it. This myth, BTW, put a lot of small, local egg producers out of business.

Also I had one egg customer who refused to buy blue or green eggs since he was convinced they were bad for you. On the other hand I also had one that was convinced they were better so between the two they licked the platter clean.
The fellow I bought this farm from was producing 1200 dozen, certified organic eggs a week. When he first started producing eggs here about seven years ago, his wife refused to eat brown eggs and continued to buy white, conventional eggs at the store for quite a while.

My Mom (who was raised on a farm) is now brainwashed into believing that factory farm eggs taste "normal" and mine are "too strong".
Blue/green eggs bring on plenty of their own myths:

"That's not a chicken's egg!"

"I don't eat genetically modified food."

"Why did you dye those eggs?"

"That egg is rotten!"

Those are the ones that come immediately to mind but there have been others.

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