Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

Most common one I have heard is that a hen will lay one egg every day for as long as she lives.
People seem perplexed when I explain that egg production varries with breed (purpose) and season/day length. Usually to the blank stares I summerize that my dual purpose flock, since they have no light except the sun will lay an average of 4 eggs/week, which is rather common. What they think of as normal would be some amazing super-chicken.

But often those are the same folks who seemed surprized that cattle are bred to be either meat or milk animals. I have many times had to explain why the dairy farm I got my beloved pet steer, Cinnamon (RIP) from was going to shoot him and bury him in the pasture if we didn't take him, rather than raise him for meat.
The old guy down the road said he would not eat farm eggs because if the big "professionals" have problems with salmonella he wouldnt trust eggs from a farmer they probably arent as clean.

I a;most started to laugh. But he doesnt want any free eggs so what can I do?
At least it was a child, I had two grown males (18-20years) doing some work on my property my 3 year old slate tom walked up to the fence and GOBBLED at them, they asked my husband if it was a ROOSTER, they did decent work but needless to say I didn't hire them again, if you can't tell a turkey by its gobble I don't have much hope for you and its not like we are in NY City, its Idaho, rural Idaho at that.

The best I have heard is trying to explain to a co-worker exactly how chickens lay eggs and that the rooster doesn't sit on the eggs to fertilize them.
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I offered a dozen eggs to a neighbor who helped me when I had a broken water line. He said he couldn't take them...his wife refused to eat eggs unless they came from the store...she was afraid of what might be in the egg.

I lived next door to this woman when we were just kids...her mamma had chickens and I expect those chickens produced their eggs...I recall watching as she wrung the neck on one for supper.
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Pullet eggs aren't edible? LOL - Then people must be chucking their chickens' eggs for months on end.
I find this funny, I prectically live off from eggs and just had bw done. My dr said I had the best cholestoral count she has seen in a while. She said it was immacualte!
I'm curious about the "don't feed chickens corn in the summer it will make them hot". I believe that one, doesn't corn add fat to them and more fat equals more heat. I don't offer cracked corn until the fall and then stop in the spring.

My brother in law won't eat the green eggs, thanks to Dr. Suess.
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