Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

We're smart and very good looking.
I love my chickens and their eggs, but pre- chickens, I used to buy eggs from a friend .... you know where this is going.... Apparently it was her son's chore to collect the eggs they sold and he hadn't been doing his job well. Needless to say that instead of the lovely farm fresh fried egg I was expecting, a dead 3/4 developed chick fell into my pan javascript:insert_text('

I never bought eggs from her again

The same thing happened to me! My DH's dad bought eggs from someone, and a half developed chick fell into my mixing bowl. I was completely horrified!! Now we only get eggs from a friend, lesson learned!
Very sorry!

I guess I just assumed you were a guy because you were willing to stick your finger up your chicken's butts to check to see if they were laying...

Most women I know aren't willing to do that. All of them, if you don't count me, LOL.

No prob!
I'm a nurse....I've stuck my finger up quite a few butts, sad to say.
Guys are the squeamish ones, you know....I don't know a man one that would put his finger up a chicken's butt...unless it was on some stupid dare!

I didn't think you were a guy. No guy I know would call himself "Beekissed".
Love the name BTW, but I don't think there's a guy out there that would use that username.
Just read the whole post... Funny stuff.

Several comments;

I don't think people are 'stupid' just un-informed. Funny, but un-informed.

To the poster who said you don't need extra light in winter to produce eggs, you are correct. However, more light equal more eggs. Proven Fact.

I've had egg buyers say, "I wish you had a rooster, my Grandmother always said fertilized eggs are healthier!" - Ok, I understand the whole fertilization and incubation process, and I'm sure they taste just the same, but... it's just a little weird. If I had a rooster, I'm sure I'd get over it.
But it's almost as weird as feeding hard boiled chopped up eggs back to your chickens (which I got over quickly...)

And lastly...
What a wonderful title of a book of chicken myths;

"Roosters Not Required - that and other chicken and egg myths"
For those of you who mentioned that you bought eggs that had half developed chicks inside...

A friend of mine bought eggs from a stranger this past summer when I was sold out on eggs. She bought several dozen, and she said half of them had BLACK yolks, and smelled to high heaven!
Very few of the eggs were fresh enough to use. She said later that she heard that the person had free-range chickens, and when they found a nest of eggs they'd wash them, put them in a carton and sell them...

Then I wonder why I can't keep up with the demand for fresh eggs, LOL.

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