Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

Okay, I may be wrong once again, but I thought the reason you do not feed uncook beans to chickens is because they can't burp, and their crop explodes.

This thread is very interesting. Not sure if anyone has said this one yet but, when I was younger I use to think that roosters only crowed in the morning.
"egg tooth"??

A hard little cap at the end of their beaks when they are sloughs off shortly after hatching. It helps them penetrate the shell without injuring their flexible little beaks. Their beaks lose that level of flexibility as they grow.
"egg tooth"??

A hard little cap at the end of their beaks when they are sloughs off shortly after hatching. It helps them penetrate the shell without injuring their flexible little beaks. Their beaks lose that level of flexibility as they grow.

Thank you beekissed!
When I was little, my parents would always take me to the supermarket. One time, I think I was about eight or nine, I saw brown eggs for the very first time. When I asked my dad why those eggs were brown, he replied in a strict tone that they were from roosters who all laid brown eggs. Hens, on the other hand, laid white eggs. I believed this was true unitil about grade 8 when we got the famous highschool talk about where babies came from.

My daddy was born in 1910. He loved a good joke also, but he was of that generation that was easily embarrassed. When I was a tween, I told my first dirty joke. I didn't know it was a dirty joke, but I shocked my daddy. A lady asked the waitress what was the house specialty. The waitress replied, "Beef's tongue." Whereupon, the lady said, "I would never eat anything from the mouth of an animal!" A cowboy, seated nearby, said, "Bring the lady an egg."

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