Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

There is an old saying that says your freedom to swing your arm stops at the end of my nose. The decision to not get vaccinated and to not wear a mask, affects not only you but others as well. The mask is to protect others, not you. It is possible for you to carry the virus and infect others and have no idea you are doing so. People can have a bout of COVID and then catch it again and die. Just because you have had a case does not mean you are immune.

My biggest beef with the people who refuse the vaccine is this. Almost all of the COVID cases currently in the ICU are among the non vaccinated. The ICUs in many areas are filled to capacity with COVID cases to the point there are no beds for anyone else. I just read an article about a man who had a heart attack. He was held in the ER for 36 hours because there were no beds in the ICU. The beds were all filled with COVID patients. He died. He may have died anyway, but as it was, he didn't have a chance. His case is by no means not an isolated one.

I have a cousin who is a charge nurse on the pediatric floor in a fairly large metropolitan hospital. Pediatrics isn't just young children. It is anyone 18 years and under. She is now getting, and occasionally losing, young unvaccinated patients with COVID. This wasn't the case when the pandemic first hit.

I have no idea when and how the decision to get a vaccine became political. Required vaccinations are nothing new. There are certain vaccinations required before a child can start school. Years ago I enrolled in nursing school and there was a whole list of vaccinations I had to get. These were required. Today many colleges require students to be vaccinated for meningitis. I don't see the difference between that and the COVID vaccine. True, the odds are great that you will never get sick even without the vaccine, but if you do get sick by then it is far too late.
No thanks I have a choice of what I put in my body because it is a temple of god, so it goes against my religion. I will wear a mask if I need to, but wearing it in playgrounds, outside, even in your car just doesn’t make sense! Who are you afraid of when your sitting in your car by yourself? 🤦🏼‍♀️
No thanks I have a choice of what I put in my body because it is a temple of god, so it goes against my religion. I will wear a mask if I need to, but wearing it in playgrounds, outside, even in your car just doesn’t make sense! Who are you afraid of when your sitting in your car by yourself? 🤦🏼‍♀️
Who am I afraid of when I am sitting in the car by myself? Other drivers. Sometimes I feel they are out to get me. BTW, I do not wear a mask in the car unless I have forgotten to take it off. I do wear it when I go in the store. Where I live if you are not wearing a mask you are not entering a place of business. They get real crabby if you try.
That only roosters are loud and make noise. Heh heh heh. Panda would never let me believe such nonsense.
you have a panda (chicken) two mine is not that noisy but she is also a pekin bantam so...
but any way i have so meany chickens most of them are hens (but i have lots of roosters to) and there is no way that only roosters are noisy if any thing they are moor quite

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