Chicken Nutrition- What Your Chicken Needs in Its Feed

I am not feeding squirrels anymore and am taking up feed after the chickens eat. (Which I hate to do because they need food in winter to keep warm) I can't shoot them. Afraid to poison them. My son in law has come over with pellet gun, but hasn't seen any (he says
) but they still come and go inside the run to get ant spare seeds etc. I already have seen one hawk, of course I have several bird feeders and right now they pick them off from time to time. Still trying to figure out a viable solution

maybe put bird netting over the run so the hawks do not get your chickens. can you put wire mesh around the run to keep the squirrels out, and then you could leave the feed out. I have 1/2 inch hardware cloth completely around my run, hope this helps you somewhat,
you may want to do a search on,
( how to predator proof your coop and run)
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Is it OK to switch girls from medicated food to the organic if so what's the best way?
I mixed the old and new feed 50/50 in the feeder and scattered the new feed on dry ground mixed with scratch grains. I did this for 2 weeks and my girls were switched from medicated crumbles to layers pellets without any trouble. GC
Okay, regarding the original post: how much of each should be used? For instance, if I want to mix up a 50 gallon drum of feed at one time? Or if I am using a 5 gallon bucket to measure each one to create a mix.
I have a squirrel problem also. California Ground Squirrels have colonized my rural neighborhood. If they are not at my house eating the steers' Beef Builder or the chicken feed, they are at my neighbors' various places eating the feed for whatever they're raising. My solution is to keep live traps out constantly, baited with whatever they seem to be after. I dispatch them quickly and then they are fed back to my flock, so at least I am getting some pretty good protein out of their feed thefts. I have about 60 chickens, and during the spring it is not unusual for me to catch half a dozen squirrels to put out on the poultry buffet.The chickens get real excited when they see me bringing the traps. If you get mad enough about the rodents, it's not too hard to kill them...
My feed thieves are the starlings. They go through a brand mew 50 lb bag of feed in about 12 hours. No matter how much we cover and shut in the chickens to keep the birds out, they still find a way in. I finally got fed up and started taking my dogs in the run with me. They catch them and share them with the chickens. I don't see many now. There used to be hundreds, now there is usually only a brave few, and they take off as soon as the back door of the house opens.
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My feed is in the raised coop. The only way in, is up the ramp though the floor. Never seen a song bird in or under the coop. I only toss scratch grains out in the run.
My girls chase and kill song birds. I found a dead chickadee in the run. My girls don't know its food. Probably a good thing, with avian flu out there. GC
Nope, we can shoot all we want here. I got the pellet gun out, but it is too far to shoot them from the house, and it is difficult to cock and have to reload after every single shot so I said forget it. My dogs thing it is great fun catching them, and it gives them good exercise.

I have had birds actually go inside the coop through the chicken door. I have one who I have seen attack a bird, but none of the rest do. They sure do love eating them though!

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