Chicken Picture of The Day!


This is Chief, he is a Silver Partridge Pekin, one of my first hatches since I started my new poultry hobby,
He is either an easter egger or a splash wheaten ameraucana (it is a color project not an accepted color). Hard to tell which from the picture. His color looks right for a SW ameraucana, has a beard and muffs, and a pea comb. If he has slate legs and white bottoms of feet. i would say he is a splash wheaten ameraucana. He is a pretty boy!

Thanks for the information. I'll have to look at the bottoms of his feet because I have no idea what color they are. His legs are definitely a different color than the rest of the chickens. His look more greenish grey, which I'm guessing could be called slate!
Thanks for the information. I'll have to look at the bottoms of his feet because I have no idea what color they are. His legs are definitely a different color than the rest of the chickens. His look more greenish grey, which I'm guessing could be called slate!
If they are greenish he is an easter egger.Slate is a blue/gray color.

This is my gorgeous house chicken Bluebelle, who in this pic is sunbathing on the sofa in my conservatory. I saved her from having her neck rung at about a year old as she has special needs and some health problems she chose to be inside and doesn't like another chickens as the always picked on her in the past although she loves to be outside either at the beach or on one of the footpath walks around my home. I saved her life and was there for her when she needed me and she helped me through one of the most difficult times when I was in employed and was suffering from depression x

This is Bluebelle again on a girls night having her nails painted by my friend, she gets very jealous and hates to be left out !!!


Bluebelle enjoying her bath time haha she tends to get so relaxed she falls asleep !!! And she loves having her photo taken !!!

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