Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

She's getting some of my Wheaten Ameraucana eggs and some Buff/Red EE's.

Oh, I'm sad now!!!

I was looking at all the Hatching eggs for sell ( and by the way, that was a BAD IDEA!!! ) and I saw your Buff Ameraucanas and OMGoodness!

I got most of my Ameraucanas from John Blehm. He has some GORGEOUS birds.
I feel ya! I can't stop incubating! I have 3 incubators now running constantly, I can't stop.

I have spent hundreds on incubators, thermometers and hatching eggs, but I have only managed to hatch 1 chick so far!

Free advice - find eggs locally! Even if you offer local fresh egg sellers double their normal fee so that they will put you a few aside and not refrigerate them, you will be ahead! I have had it with clear eggs, cracked eggs and broken eggs!

I only received one shipment with broken eggs. The lady put the eggs on a thin paper towel, in a cardboard egg carton, sealed it in a shoe box, and sent them cross country. Over half were smashed.
I demanded my money back...minus shipping. I was given a refund in 4 days!

Trying to hatch shipped eggs can be so frustrating. But if you want a quality breed, usually that's the most cost effective way to get them. I have only found a very few people in my area that sell a few of the breeds I really wanted. Once I get my Brinsea 380 next month, I'm in big trouble. I can't foresee getting lousy hatches after that...only if the eggs are infertile or ruined.
Ah you are among good company here! If you don't have eggs, several of us will be most glad to help you....Start cruising BST now!!!! I'm needing to back away from this forum .....I'm looking to rent a house that has 4 chicken coop and seeing if I can sublet.....LOL! No, I'm serious!!!

Either that or built like a 5 story moveable tractor, think it would work.....Then I have roof areas I can build on..... Okay I'm beyond all hope! What has BYC created....
I went out this morning before the pack o' chickens that like to go forage in front of the house had done so, and EVERYBODY came running to me. With the HORRIBLY short days, and my leaving for work before dawn and getting home after dark, it's been a while since that's happened. I was surrounded by my entire flock.

Dang. I have a lot of chickens!

Not stopping yet.....
Chicken Junkies wrote:
Reading this thread was so fun. I am a "Chicken Junkie" and probably always will be as I live with an enabler. I even started a Chicken Junkie site to help me vent, help others raise chickens and even inspire others to raise chickens responsibly. lol

All these posts where fabulous fun. Starting up a new bator next week, so wish me luck.

I feel ya! I can't stop incubating! I have 3 incubators now running constantly, I can't stop.

I have spent hundreds on incubators, thermometers and hatching eggs, but I have only managed to hatch 1 chick so far!

Free advice - find eggs locally! Even if you offer local fresh egg sellers double their normal fee so that they will put you a few aside and not refrigerate them, you will be ahead! I have had it with clear eggs, cracked eggs and broken eggs!

I agree. I found a BYC'er that lives "Localy" and I picked up three roosters from him yesterday night and he gave me some eggs to incubate from his flock of chickens and I carried them home in my lap!! Surely there is someone in your town/area that has chickens that you can get eggs from.

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy wrote:
Muggsmagee wrote:
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy wrote:

What kind of eggs did you send Muggs?

ETA: GammaPoppyLilyFlutter, better make it 112 Wishes now!

She's getting some of my Wheaten Ameraucana eggs and some Buff/Red EE's.

Oh, I'm sad now!!!

I was looking at all the Hatching eggs for sell ( and by the way, that was a BAD IDEA!!! ) and I saw your Buff Ameraucanas and OMGoodness!

I got most of my Ameraucanas from John Blehm. He has some GORGEOUS birds.
Yours are gorgeous too!
Muggs did you see the babies I posted on the auction??? Thanks for your comments on one of my auctions and congrats on yours!!! Praying and hoping for your eggies to become baby CHICKS!

Here are my last set of Lavendar Orpingtons and their hatchmates hatched last week... all 6 went to a customer...I miss those Lavendar Orpingtons....Soo Soo Pretty. I wish I could keep them all. The other chickies were kept by the farm for the laying pens!

Here they are:


Love the babies!!! Want more!

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