Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Beautiful EE's! I am in the middle of separating our breeds out (finally!!), but hatched out several mutts this summer. I couldn't agree with you more. There is no better way to call a spade a is truly an addiction!
I want to join! I'm also addicted to chickens!

Here's my story:

I begged my parents for chickens for a few months, and since I have depression and love animals, they agreed to let me buy 2 of my choice. I tried getting some off McMurray, but the minimum for chicks shipping was like 15 or something. That wouldn't do, since by county law we weren't supposed to have chickens at all (but that law was being recalled, and we didn't know that at the time). So then I found Meyer Hatchery and called. Found out the minimum chick shipping was 3, so 3 gold sexlinks were bought. I also paid for their shots.

A couple days later the chicks came in a box. To my and my family's surprise, there were four in the box! I guess they got the order mixed up or just decided to give me an extra pullet

I am now craving more chickens. The city ordinance is 6, but the mom ordinance is 4. Crossing my fingers.

So all in all, the square root of one chicken= 956 chickens. True chicken lovers are never satisfied
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Congrats on getting your chickens! And WELCOME! Some of my first chickens were from McMurray, and they do have a minimum order requirement...of 25! Seems like a lot to a newbie, but we soon realize it is not nearly enough! Maybe you can convince your mom to allow you for a pair of silkies? They are the best "pet" chicken IMHO!
Congrats on getting your chickens! And WELCOME! Some of my first chickens were from McMurray, and they do have a minimum order requirement...of 25! Seems like a lot to a newbie, but we soon realize it is not nearly enough! Maybe you can convince your mom to allow you for a pair of silkies? They are the best "pet" chicken IMHO!

I wanted silkies at first for my next two chickens, but I researched them and found out they go broody really easily. If they want chicks, they should go to a place where they can actually reproduce. No roos here!

Plus, they are like dust mops. And my mom has bad allergies.

So I'm trying for EE's. My mom's friend has a lot of hens and a roo, and she's always trying to convince my mom to let me take home a few chickens. Plus, the roo is a light sussex. I hear sussex hens make good layers, and a BR or a RIR and LS EE would lay a lot of eggs...
Congrats on getting your chickens! And WELCOME! Some of my first chickens were from McMurray, and they do have a minimum order requirement...of 25! Seems like a lot to a newbie, but we soon realize it is not nearly enough! Maybe you can convince your mom to allow you for a pair of silkies? They are the best "pet" chicken IMHO!

I wanted silkies at first for my next two chickens, but I researched them and found out they go broody really easily. If they want chicks, they should go to a place where they can actually reproduce. No roos here!

Plus, they are like dust mops. And my mom has bad allergies.

So I'm trying for EE's. My mom's friend has a lot of hens and a roo, and she's always trying to convince my mom to let me take home a few chickens. Plus, the roo is a light sussex. I hear sussex hens make good layers, and a BR or a RIR and LS EE would lay a lot of eggs...

Sorry your mom has allergies! I actually haven't noticed a difference between my silkies and other chickens being more or less dusty than the other. As they dust bathe all the time, I think it is apples to apples. Yes, the girls do go broody. My 4 white silkies all went broody at about the same time, but have only done so once in the past 9 months. You can't go wrong with EE's. And they will help to give you a colorful egg basket! You should find someone who has OE's! Those eggs are so pretty! Would you look at me? I am a total enabler! Sorry!
Alright....i give up.... i am also addicted and glad to be!!!

i started out 2 years ago, hubby and i share ten acres with the inlaws- why have ten acres and no livestock? hubby is retired navy so he suggested a 'few' chickens.... dangerous words those.... started out with 5.... made a coop- 2 years later...finishing a new coop- we ran out of room for the flock.... a brahma roo, 17 ladies.... AND .... my bantams.... they have their own coop and run, all attached to the front porch so we don't lose anyone, and our guineas and our ducks and our goose not to mention the inside chicken!! you get the idea! And they have invaded my art- i am an artist and now they have taken over that too! And i couldn't be happier!!

Hi, I'm Nick, and I'm a chookaholic. I first had chickens a few years ago, but that went wrong along the way so I quit. Then in March I purchased three... then it was 4, then 3, then 2, then 6, then 5, then 4, then 5, then 4, and this week I'll get 2 more in another coop, and then 4 more in ANOTHER coop in the Spring, then lots of new coops, and the summer plan is... 38.
Help me y'all!

Well, at least there's an addiction that doesn't cause cancer, eh?
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Hello. My name is Sumatra and I am a chickaholic.

There was a science fair at school. Guess what my science project was! Incubating chicken eggs! My dad bought me my first Bator which I still have and I went and picked up 15 chicken eggs from a friends farm and 5 eggs from my mom's boss. I set up the bator and 21 days later 4 eggs hatched. Of these 4 only one survived and that was my Seabright hen, Peepers. Peepers died protecting her chicks from the neighbors cat, but I still have Peepers Jr. and Peepers 3rd.

I have since aquired ducks, guinea fowl, geese, pigeons, and now quail and soon to be peafowl.

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