Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Lucky! I wish I had a barn!!!! We are currently digging a duck pond (taking WAY longer than expected) and we are finding foundation rocks from an old horse barn that was here. Oh how I wish they kept it!!! It would be sooo handy right now.
Do you freeze your eggs? I've heard of others doing that, but it seems REALLY odd to me.

I tried. I mixed up a dozen eggs and froze it in icecube trays for giggles. My master plan was to pop out the cubes and freeze those in a freezer bag. But it was IMPOSSIBLE to get the durn cubes out. I wrapped up the trays whole and am keeping it in the freezer as an experiment.
I'll probably just put straight into a ziploc next time. I asked at the local food bank, and they WILL take eggs, but they are only open two HOURS a week. Put an ad on craigslist, but no takers yet - we have a lot of chicken people here I think. So the girls get a dozen eggs every other day or so.
Right now I think I have 25 dozen in the fridge, all under three weeks old. (!!).
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I called my neighbor up this morning and asked if he would be interested in my flock of BO's and someother birds. Haven't heard back whether or not he is coming to get them or not, but I sure hope so!

This morning I moved all my juveniles out of the front yard and put them in the new chicken room we built yesterday. Then I moved my 6 new Coro Sussex 'gals up to the yard with the other Sussex.

Hoping I can thin way down on my chicken "herd" so I can have some room for the extra birds that "might" be hatching out this winter!

~ Aspen
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Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Guineas are loud, but I actually don't mind them so much. If you have them in the yard and they're screaming their head off, yes you would hate them, but since my free range out in the pasture you hardly even notice them unless you are out at the barn. Course, I only have 6 running loose. My guinea hens have been laying an egg a day in this hot weather we've been having, where as my chickens have stopped complety. They hussle around alot more than my chickens and therefore their yolks are a deep orange in color.
If you raise them with chickens they tend to be very mean. They have killed several of my chickens, even the ones they were raised with. Guineas usually aren't too friendly, but they can become quite tame with alot of handling. My guineas used to roost on me when I sat in the backyard and would eat out of my hand and follow me around everywhere. Just a tip, if you get guinea keets I suggest giving them to a broody to raise. It makes it alot easy to train them that-a-way.

Speaking of Guineas...this evening I checked on my broody gamve hen and she had hatched out 3 Pearl keets!
I had to take them away from here b/c she kept running off and leaving them and wasn't protecting them from the chickens.
These keets are super healthy and are TWICE the size of the keets I hatched out in my incubator!

~ Aspen

So that really stinks that guineas get mean with chickens, cause I was thinking of raising some with my chickens.
So do you keep them in a separate coop or just let them be free range all the time???? Maybe I could make them a high roost and just let them roam.​
So that really stinks that guineas get mean with chickens, cause I was thinking of raising some with my chickens.
So do you keep them in a separate coop or just let them be free range all the time???? Maybe I could make them a high roost and just let them roam.

My keets were never mean with my chickens. they were all hatched together so that may be why. I TRIED to separate them early but the guineas hollered holy heck for two straight hours until I put 'their' chickens back.
Guineas are very habit driven - something was missing and that needed to be yelled about.
I think the guinea expert on here said they would be mean to the chickens if your flock was not big enough (10ish or more). I had 17, so they never bothered with my chickens.
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I guess it could just be worth a try, maybe next time I have chicks I will try and raise some keets with them so they can all be friends and see how it goes. Worst case would be that I would just have to separate them and let the guineas have their own space, but I sure hope when I decide to take the guinea plunge they can just all get along

Thanks Aspen and Featherz for your advice.
So that really stinks that guineas get mean with chickens, cause I was thinking of raising some with my chickens.
So do you keep them in a separate coop or just let them be free range all the time???? Maybe I could make them a high roost and just let them roam.

If you raise your keets with some chickens they will probably do better, temperment wise.
Then maybe they'll mix with the chooks better.

~ Aspen
I am so angry with everyone here. I cannot believe no one thought to tell me sooner how fabulous chickens are! I really got my first four on a lark; I just knew I wanted a few chickens. Not for the eggs really but just because. We live in a city where you are allowed to have four hens. The first girls came at the end of January. Now I have 12. I keep telling my boyfriend that 12 is a nice number and at three times the legal limit it is just enough rule breakage to make me happy.

But seriously, I am absolutely still completely and madly in love with my girls. I say at least once a day how much I love them. They are terribly spoiled (think rib eye steak left overs) and coddled. I went to Australia for work back in the beginning of February for six weeks. I had only just gotten the first four chickens. I don't think there is any way I could leave them now for that long. I could leave the family for that long but my girls? Not happenin'! My family now admits they were all taking bets when I first got them on how long until I got rid of them or the novelty wore off. The longest was six weeks. Boy did I prove them wrong!

I love them all. They free range during the day in the backyard and I can watch them out my office window as I work out of my house. I go and visit with them several times a day. Honestly? I might need counseling or an intervention. But I don't care! I. LOVE. MY. CHICKENS!

I just wanted to tell some people that in a place where I know they won't think I am completely off my rocker. That is all. Please return to your regularly scheduled programming while I hurry and leave this site without stopping to look at the auction board.

~whispers to herself.....don't listen to the voices, x out of the window, do NOT go to the auction page~

~runs to the auction page~

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