Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Do you still have the Coronation Sussex roosters for sell? I would be interested in them. I have around 10 Coronation hens and no roosters!
I had three GORGEOUS Coro roosters and they all died!
I have a Quad of Light Sussex, plus three Light Sussex chicks I hatched from them that I think are a trio, but I am in desperate need of some Coronation Roosters!

~ Aspen

Aspen...I sent you a PM. The roos are yours when you are ready!


~ Aspen
Last night around 10:30 we got out there with the pick-up truck and shined the lights on the two coops so we could see what we're doing. We moved all the hens over to the smaller coop with the 21 hole nesting box, and left the all the roosters in the bigger coop. I'm going to keep the hens locked up for a week or so just so they know where to go at night, and then I will start letting them free range again. Right now I'm just letting the roosters and the Guineas out together. We're going to have to cull some roosters, but some are just to dang pretty to eat, I may try and give/sell those. We shall see.

~ Aspen
OOO MMM GGGG I thought I had it bad with 8 roos, 6 of which I didn't want. THIRTY?

Are you planning on a Chicken Bar-b-q soon?

I think so!
I don't really want to, because all of them I've raised from chicks. But I don't want to give these guys away for someone else to have a free meal. It is the double edged sword...

I'm the same way, can't stand to kill them...but if I have to I'd rather eat them and get some good out of'em, rather them give them to someone else free of charge just so they can eat them.

~ Aspen
Last night we had a "wonderful" adventure...

I was locking up the Sussex and the peachicks; I'd already caught the two white peachicks and one of the IB peachicks, then decided to catch the Sussex and lock them up before I caught the other peachicks. I get the Sussex locked up and then start looking for the peachicks and I can't find them nowhere!
I look in the Apricot tree, in the flowerbed, in the bushes, under the hutch, etc. Can't find they anywheres...then I hear one of them calling...and I look up into the huge, tall tree by the roof and there the three Amigos are...with an innocent look on their face, staring down at me. Oh, I go get the water hose and start spraying'em flys down, then another, and finally the 3rd pea-brained chick flys down. It wasn't too hard to catch them on the ground, cause they were so wet!

Ah, the crazy things you do on a farm...

~ Aspen
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LOL'd at the thought of the peachicks VS. the hose!

Well I held out most of the summer, I broke down and ordered 25 surprise pullets in June "because my nephew was here" of course.

This week, I needed a little pick-me-up, so I ordered the 25 assorted bantams, hopefully to split with Daisy chick! Somehow 7 guineas ended up on the order too!

And of course, I am still hoping for a few packing peanuts and maybe an extra or two!

Yo ho yo, its a (poultry) addicts life for me!

I realized I didn't know how old my new chickens are. So I called my guy back. I'm sure he told me, but I looked at about 100 birds and got overwhelmed.

Anyhow the one that has bonded to me a ton and that I secretly like best is the Barred Rock, she was born(hatched) right around my own birthday! (she's 12 weeks) I'm all super excited.

the other two the Araucanas are both 4.5 months old.

Also they are all fantastic. And I love them.
IdealisticRoo - Oh, good gravies!! You are addicted!!
I am wanting to get some Easter Egger chicks and some Golden Buff pullets sometime this fall. I will either order hatching eggs, or order from a hatchery. I'll probably order eggs, but getting chicks in the mail is so much fun..and you don't have to wait 21 days!
Usually, anyway!

~ Aspen
The duck pond has been completed. The waterbabies got to enjoy their first swim day before yesterday...such a beautiful sight seeing them play.

Found 1/2 of them in the alpaca pen this morning. Not sure yet how they got out (they are all too fat to get out of their own way, so I don't think they flew!)...but herding them back in had me laughing out loud. There is something very humorous watching ducks "run"!

Thought I'd better 'come out'. A lot of you already it's OK to confess.

Started with 5 egg layers 5 years ago....not 6....too many......and don't want any more .

Than I bought a few Brahma eggs....borrowed an incubator. Then I bought an incubator..... holds 20 had to fill it.

Then I took to Naked I bought 3...then some eggs, then some more, then some more.

Then La Fleche....endangered, right? So I am doing my bit for conservation.

Then the hens all got I gave them eggs. Sucker for a broody hen, always.

You know the end of the chapter...over 60 now and 4 broody hens on eggs.

Is there a cure?

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