Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

look at how much this rooster has grown!!!!

2 months


he's the one on the left (6 months) i just noticed how much and fast he grew!
I had silkies once - too high maintenance, especially since I worked full time then. I had 'show quality' type silkies which meant that I had to give them haircuts and foot baths or they'd turn into blind mudballs. But they sure were cute! I like 'low maintenance' birds.
Having said that I just had to go figure out why no one wants to go in the coop tonight. Can't find any snakes or rats, so who knows?
You are a chicken converter!!!
I love when that happens! There is something to be said when people turn their noses up at raising chickens...they just don't get it! Chickens can be an absolute joy. Yes they take work and planning, but to watch their antics in the backyard is some of the best time spent. I'm glad your mom is willing to give chickens a try!

Oh I am to! Lol Yes chicken converter! I love it! LOL My mom has become addicted and she hasnt even gotten them yet! rofl She calls me everyday to ask me how many eggs I got. Like today I just got off the phone with her she called to see how many eggs I got! rofl I have 3 EEgers and each one lays a different color. Blue Pink and Green. and she just gets soooooo excited! lol
I had silkies once - too high maintenance, especially since I worked full time then. I had 'show quality' type silkies which meant that I had to give them haircuts and foot baths or they'd turn into blind mudballs. But they sure were cute! I like 'low maintenance' birds.
Having said that I just had to go figure out why no one wants to go in the coop tonight. Can't find any snakes or rats, so who knows?

I feel guilty for saying this in an open forum......are Silkies not the stupidest chickens?
It could be because their crest feathers/fluff get in the way of their vision, but dang! My Buff Silkie roo started doing the dance for my BCM roo today...pointing him toward food on the ground and kicked his feet with his wings pointed downward, sidling up to him. Needless to say the BCM kicked his fluffy butt all the way back into the coop.
I wonder if the Buff Silkie mistook him for some coppery mixed breed hens we have?
I had silkies once - too high maintenance, especially since I worked full time then. I had 'show quality' type silkies which meant that I had to give them haircuts and foot baths or they'd turn into blind mudballs. But they sure were cute! I like 'low maintenance' birds.
Having said that I just had to go figure out why no one wants to go in the coop tonight. Can't find any snakes or rats, so who knows?

I feel guilty for saying this in an open forum......are Silkies not the stupidest chickens?
It could be because their crest feathers/fluff get in the way of their vision, but dang! My Buff Silkie roo started doing the dance for my BCM roo today...pointing him toward food on the ground and kicked his feet with his wings pointed downward, sidling up to him. Needless to say the BCM kicked his fluffy butt all the way back into the coop.
I wonder if the Buff Silkie mistook him for some coppery mixed breed hens we have?

Oh I'll second that thought. I think that silkies are about as dumb as a box of rocks. Actually that's insulting to the poor defenceless rocks. I had 4 Silkie roos that couldn't think their way out of the run, through the coop, outside to free range FOLLOWING the hens. I mean, really? How dumb do you have to be to be trapped in the run when someone is SHOWING YOU THE WAY OUT? They were little guys when I put them in with the D'uccles, so the D'uccles mothered them and clucked at them to follow. They spent 3 days trapped in the run before one of them figured it out and the other 3 followed.

The Silkie hen is almost as bad. She pecked her own chick on the head when another chicken startled her. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb. But really really cute. So she's a keeper. (The boys are gone and not missed)

I thought I wanted Silkies. I was wrong. I won't bother to hatch any of her eggs, assuming I can find them since she hids them when she lays them.
I feel guilty for saying this in an open forum......are Silkies not the stupidest chickens?
It could be because their crest feathers/fluff get in the way of their vision, but dang! My Buff Silkie roo started doing the dance for my BCM roo today...pointing him toward food on the ground and kicked his feet with his wings pointed downward, sidling up to him. Needless to say the BCM kicked his fluffy butt all the way back into the coop.
I wonder if the Buff Silkie mistook him for some coppery mixed breed hens we have?

Oh I'll second that thought. I think that silkies are about as dumb as a box of rocks. Actually that's insulting to the poor defenceless rocks. I had 4 Silkie roos that couldn't think their way out of the run, through the coop, outside to free range FOLLOWING the hens. I mean, really? How dumb do you have to be to be trapped in the run when someone is SHOWING YOU THE WAY OUT? They were little guys when I put them in with the D'uccles, so the D'uccles mothered them and clucked at them to follow. They spent 3 days trapped in the run before one of them figured it out and the other 3 followed.

The Silkie hen is almost as bad. She pecked her own chick on the head when another chicken startled her. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb. But really really cute. So she's a keeper. (The boys are gone and not missed)

I thought I wanted Silkies. I was wrong. I won't bother to hatch any of her eggs, assuming I can find them since she hids them when she lays them.

Is it bad I laughed at that?
I can see that happening! And, their stupid antics are really cute!
Wow, haven't been on in awhile!! Hope every one is going good! Between the working crew, house work, and the cold weather I haven't had much time for the computer.

I am now the owner or am owned by 3 adorable ducklings!! Two white Call ducklings, and 1 huge fat yellow duckling named Inkspot, but Inky for short. I have 4 more Call duck eggs from buffbeauty in the 'bator in the incubator. Meagan asked me to pop back in on the thread so here I am! I will try and find a spare moment now and again to give updates!


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