Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

To you too! I hope you have a great day tomorrow
Thanks! now I can join into the actual conversation!

It's already Christmas here but we're Jewish so we're having Jewish movie day!! Heehee. Rented a whole heap of crappy movies and I'll be baking up naughty things. Nothing else to do since the husband is on holidays and I don't have work either.

These geese I got are really really really handtame. I'm loving it. They walk up and sit on your lap which would be way cuter if they didn't poo up their belly in transport. :3

How is everyone today? I'm a little bored. It's 7am and my man won't wake up even though I made him a coffee and he stole my blankets so I can't even go back to bed.

I love everyone's avatars. All the coloured eggs (the many-coloured eggs in the glass bowl in my dining room are always a sign of comfort and happiness to me) and all the cute little chickens.... <3

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Welcome! I'm not familiar with the Isa Browns, but it's funny how people find their favorite. I have several favorites for several different reasons. My favorite "pet" is my Buff Orpington. She is an inquisitive love. I hope to get into showing silkies though.
Just noticed that one of the new 'animal hoarder' shows will have a chicken hoarder with only 68 chickens! Maybe he's on this thread somewhere?
(Of course, I think they also said they live in his house..)...
If you get your laptop be careful. I can find myself NOT moving ALL day because the couch is a comfy place to "research" on my laptop!
I told our kids we couldn't do anything for them for kids didn't know I was joking, and BOTH of them told me that it is okay, we'll just have fun together as a family! I love my kids. Little do they know I have 5 hours of wrapping to do. Coffee pot is on!

Have a wonderful day tomorrow everybody. Stay safe and be content. Big hugs to ya'll.
My cousin just had her first encounter with my pullets. Turns out she's afraid of them
She opened the door to go inside the house and the chickens, who are pretty much programmed to com a the sound of the door, came waddling over. You should have heard my cousin squeal

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