Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Just got back from the breeders ! Somehow I only managed to come home with four two week old Barnevelders and four Day old Barnevelders ! Dad practically had to drag me away... she had BLRW, Silkies, Light , Buff and Dark Brahamas, Blue and Black Copper Marans
But I went for Barnies and that is what I left with
They are absolutly the cutest babies ever and they grow into drop dead Gorgeous birds
Although my birthday is in march... might just have to go back
Let me know if you need some more duck eggs....Getting really good results from those eggs ....We have the crested and non-crested Pekins in the same pen!!!!!!!!


You are an ENABLER!!! I have 26 ducklings coming in...and who knows how many I might be able to hatch from friends eggs. I am going to wait for just a bit before I order any more eggs. Thank you for giving me a heads up on your auction...they are cutie-patootie lil' duckies!
Oh wow those are cuties!!!!

I'm killing my first roosters today! I've got TWELVE to do my first time! Gotta go pick them up now. YAY! Some are silkies! This'll be interesting.

(Mmmm some are Plymouths though....)

I can't believe free meat was this easy and I only got the idea from here.

Man I can't stop staring at your adorable Barnevelders!!! When my hens came up a pair I had to send them to breed on the farm - I miss their pretty feathers!!!
Hey everybody!! ::waves:: I am getting my new coop next week! Yaaaaaay!! My girls will be going from a 2x6 coop to a 6x8 coop!
Sooo excited and I will be getting an Olive Egger and Orpington next weekend if all goes well! Does anybody here own Orpington's? This will be my first experience with that breed! I am excited

Here are some pictures of my new coop. I have to do some predator proofing and add a couply roosts, but 7 girls should be pretty comfortable in there I think! Plus it is 7' tall so I can walk in yaaay easy cleaning! Well EASIER hehe






If anybody has experience with Orpingtons feel free to post your opinion here! I am also reading the breed thread. Also, any idea's on how to add a 2x2 or 2x4 roost?
I am so excited!!

Here are the soon to be renters. I am getting the newest two girls next weekend

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That will be a great coop!
I have Buff Orpingtons...that I LOVE to bits! Love them so much, I ordered Lavender Orpingtons from rockinpaints, Lav/Black/Blue/and Splash Orpingtons from bargain! They are all in the bator now.
Wonderful!! I am getting lav orps originally bred by bargain and a friend hatched out the eggs and raised them. Well I am getting one lav orp and one olive egger
I am glad you like them! I am excited and trying to learn all I can about the breed!

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