Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

I don't have a problem myself.

I have currently 29 hens in large fowl with three LF roosters. 7 bantam hens with 3 roosters (okay in the spring when it warms up 2 of 'em are gonna go). I really holding myself back from ordering this year because I need to fix more runs and housing for the ones that I have and build a couple or 12 more for when I can order more.

I think I'm gonna stop after I reach 5,000 or so (hens). I really am proud of myself for keeping control right now tough, I'm just hoping when I go to the poultry auction next Saturday I will be able to hold myself back. When I get to looking at chickens I want more.
Hey this ain't Anonymous, it puts my user on it!
I got 2 Silver Laced Cochin Roosters, and 1 Standard Easter Egger Rooster!!! I'll post picture tomorrow..oh did I mention he gave me 9 eggs from his flock...
Aho!!!! Will post pictures of the roosters tomorrow, and if you're lucky I'll post pictures of the eggs. Do you Peeps enjoy looking at eggs?
My hands smell like chicken processing.

I successfully killed my first chicken, gutted a further 8 and cleaned all of them properly for dinner.

This will be my freshest chicken I've ever had. <3

(Also silkies are WAY meatier than I thought!)
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

We can't blame bargain on this.
I blame my addiction and winter boredom. I really wanted ducks and geese last year, but I just wasn't ready. This year, we will be ready! Plus, with Holderread's you have to order before January. No geese in this order though.

Oh shucks!
I wanted to blame bargain! ( JG
Shame, Shame, Muggs! If I did that I think I would be turned out of the house!

Maybe it was a subliminal blaming....While scrolling with a finger, went to the old BYC breed pages and saw this photo!
or read my post about the lonely White Chinese Gosling that became Mother Goose and raised up up over 50 ducklings from our pekins this past spring/summer.

I KNOW it was me...I WANT it to be me....

have a good day, time to stumble in the dark to start animal chores before church...It's dark out there! Where's my miner's flashlight!

Our current auctions:

Bonus Lavendar Orpington Eggs & 10+ Blue/Black/Splash Orpington Eggs
10+ Blue Cooper Marans & Splash Marans (Mostly Blues!) eggs
12+ Buff Orpington Hatching Eggs
10+ Crested and Non Crested Pekin Duck Eggs - No Reserve!
[URL]] Pickup only - Pure Coronation Sussex Rooster at the Point of Crowing![/url]
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Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I have around 20 Buff Opringtons.
They're very Cold Hardy, they are very friendly and are broody pretty offten. They lay fairly well, but not as good as some.

You know...I have 3 Buff Orps...have had them since day 1 (some of my first chickens), and not once have they gone broody. Not once. I completely forgot I have a breeding pair of White Orps...the roo is friendly too.

And as far as the away! Of course we like egg pictures! Hence my avatar.
Not bad! Not bad. Again...I'm more chicken than my chickens. I just can't do it yet. I promised a friend of mine we would try Silkie Chicken and Dumplings. I can't use one of my own Silkies though. Gonna have to use someone elses.
Not bad! Not bad. Again...I'm more chicken than my chickens. I just can't do it yet. I promised a friend of mine we would try Silkie Chicken and Dumplings. I can't use one of my own Silkies though. Gonna have to use someone elses.

As the crazy vegetarian, I'm hiding my eyes until this portion of the thread is over.

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