Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

OMG thats a lot of birds!
that is such a cute picture, does any of your friends have chickens, and what do they say about you having them? and I think silkies are beautiful. But I do have to say everythime I see one I think of Phyllis Dillar. [she was a commedian years ago] and her hair makes me think of a silkie. lol
over all of you who have over 100 birds!! Currently I have 19. Unfortunately I think I've been cursed by the extra roo hatching %! looks like out of 8 I have at least 3 Roos but I'm thinking it's more like 4-5. So, I'll have to find homes for the extra. Fortunately we have two chicken swaps coming up over the next two weekends. And there is a local lady breeding Mille fleur D'Uccles too who said we could do a bird exchange for breeding purposes if we needed to. Maybe she got luckier and has extra pullets!

You all we going to town last night on here! I had to read like 5 pages to get to the end! See what happens when the rents come to town for a visit?! I fall behind my favorite rainy day past time. And it WAS a rainy day here in NC. My dad did tell me after the second time I ran out in the rain to take the birds something or try and eliminate some of the puddles forming in their coops that my grandfather would've been proud of me. He owned and operated a farm until he retired at the age of 60. None of his kids followed in his footsteps. The closest he got was my cousin who wanted to be a large animal vet (except she was too short so now she patches up small animals and can neuter cats in less than 4 min
) and now me with my chickens. He was a hard man to please so I am strangely flattered.
I have 50 birds and I thought THAT was a lot.
Will be downsizing by at least 10 soon for winter. I think I'd go nuts with 100+, but maybe with better organization it would be just fine.
that is such a cute picture, does any of your friends have chickens, and what do they say about you having them? and I think silkies are beautiful. But I do have to say everythime I see one I think of Phyllis Dillar. [she was a commedian years ago] and her hair makes me think of a silkie. lol

none of my friends have chickens.
they love it when i take them into school sometimes
I'm here.
And thank you. But......I really need to update pictures. The basic coop setup is the same except it is dirty and messy because I HAVE TOO MANY CHICKENS! and I added a pen on the end of the coop for goats.
I haven't been on BYC much because I am now also addicted to BYH.
I am still trying to thin out my flock of birds, but no one around here wants to pay for pure bred chickens, so I may have to let some go for bargain basement prices, because it costs me more to feed them than what they are worth around here.
I think the ones from my last hatching are all roos but 1 or 2 D: Thank god im selling them on sunday.

so today is sunday did you sell them. ? we never try to sell our roos or even try to find homes for them, people around here looking for roos for one reson either training roosters for fighting, or fighting. so ours get humanely killed and eaten by us.

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