Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

I know....

Something tryed to drag it out of the yard last night, so we don't know if our pup Rusty tryed to drag it out of the yard for some reason, or if something ELSE came in and tryed to drag it out? What ever it was tryed to pull it through the metal gate, but it caught and what ever it was couldn't get it off the gate, so this mornigng we found it tangled up in the gate.

I'm glad you caught and disposed of that critter! Have you thought of taking the body to a taxidermist? Put him on display... "We got this one and we'll get you, too, if you mess around with OUR chickens!"

There wasn't too much left of the pussy cat once we shot him. The bullet we used was like a mushroom and really blew him up from the inside. She got him in the back so all his guts and stuff were out everywhere.
Wish there was a bit more left, I might have stuffed it!!

I'm a taxidermist!!! *waves like nuts* If you guys ever get a fox, freeze the body for a week and express/overnight ship me it. I want!
Taxidermy's one of my passions.

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