Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*


I too have sold chickens and I think I am down to 42! I want to get to 30, that is my magic number. I have been on BackYardHerds and haven't spent a lot of time on BYC. IdealisticRoo is my co-chicken conspirator and fellow addict. We are not related as far as I know.
Hi! Meagan!
I am totally with you on this, I have some nice birds now and I feel that I have spent too much money on them and I need to sell some hatching eggs to at least re-coop some of that money! I should of just stayed with my variety layer flock and been happy with that. I think I will get back to that someday after I try and make some extra money from selling eggs. I would really just like to enjoy my birds and have some fresh eggs to eat and not worry at all about what "breed" they are. I can't stand my feed bill, it is ridiculous!
I am selling 5 birds today, rehoming a mom and 5 chicks next week (I hope - to a friend who has a 4-H'er son) and am still considering my layer coop. One has bumblefoot at the moment, so in good conscience they have to stay at least until I can clear that up (soaks first, then the dreaded surgery!). Plus one of the layers is molting and looks horrible. I'd be embarrassed to send her to a new home looking like that!

So at max I'll have three coops to deal with in winter. If I can rehome the layers, two coops.
Then I'll have two coops I can fill up in spring! Muahahaha.
I'll take a few of those hens if you take one of my Roos. Big or little, black or gray, tall or pick....I have 5...oh wait, one is RED....all are mature and feeling their oats. I think the hens won't lay cuz the roos won't leave them alone long enough to lay an egg. (Marans, OE, 2 Ameruacana or the little red one, which I have no clue to breed, but he's a cutie and mounting the little hens already)
I'll take a few of those hens if you take one of my Roos. Big or little, black or gray, tall or pick....I have 5...oh wait, one is RED....all are mature and feeling their oats. I think the hens won't lay cuz the roos won't leave them alone long enough to lay an egg. (Marans, OE, 2 Ameruacana or the little red one, which I have no clue to breed, but he's a cutie and mounting the little hens already)

LOL!! No more roos for me right now, I already have one big roo, one little roo (my mohawk chick- naturally the one snatched from the jaws of death is a boy) and several little chick roos of unknown type. My layers would have to go together anyways and I am sure you don't want seven more chickens.. or do you? Muahahahha.
In either case, I gotta fix that bumblefoot first - the only ones I have that seem to get bumblefoot are those, and I'm pretty sure it's because they RUN across my asphalt driveway every time I go outside, thinking I'll be feeding the cats and they can butt in.

Figures when I finally get up my nerve to sell something they start molting - I can't rehome a bunch of chickens that look like I ran them through a washing machine!
I'll take a few of those hens if you take one of my Roos. Big or little, black or gray, tall or pick....I have 5...oh wait, one is RED....all are mature and feeling their oats. I think the hens won't lay cuz the roos won't leave them alone long enough to lay an egg. (Marans, OE, 2 Ameruacana or the little red one, which I have no clue to breed, but he's a cutie and mounting the little hens already)

LOL!! No more roos for me right now, I already have one big roo, one little roo (my mohawk chick- naturally the one snatched from the jaws of death is a boy) and several little chick roos of unknown type. My layers would have to go together anyways and I am sure you don't want seven more chickens.. or do you? Muahahahha.
In either case, I gotta fix that bumblefoot first - the only ones I have that seem to get bumblefoot are those, and I'm pretty sure it's because they RUN across my asphalt driveway every time I go outside, thinking I'll be feeding the cats and they can butt in.

Figures when I finally get up my nerve to sell something they start molting - I can't rehome a bunch of chickens that look like I ran them through a washing machine!

Darn....And I am going to Saratoga today, so I could have swapped them. You SURE you don't want an Ameraucana roo? You can make your own blue egg layers.
If I needed a roo, that would be the one I'd want!!
You may want to check with those folks on the NY thread that took my OE's - they mentioned they might want a roo soon, and an americauna would probably fit the bill since my OE's would be similar in appearance.

My EE roo is awesome - he's herded 40+ chickens into the forest right now - I think I might have had a hawk attack or flyover as they won't come out. No eggs for me today, they'll all be laid in the forest! Hope I didn't lose any, but no evidence and I know my chicks are ok.

Just did today's dressing change on my leghorn - just think, you could adopt her and do a bumblefoot surgery!!
Congratulations! What color? I have a hatchery Black Tailed White that is a perpetual broody and THE BEST MOM EVER!

They are black tailed buff, beautiful feathering just not show quality because of their long legs. They would however make good breeders or pets. So, hopefully I can find someone who wants them! Momma took them out yesterday for the first time. Like you said, GREAT mom!
Ive cut down and I think I want to try some late winter hatches this year. Like maybe a late january hatch. The key will be gathering the eggs before they get too cold... I have a basement so I'm okay with keeping some chicks in there for a few weeks, It'll be about 6 weeks I think if I do a january hatch...I want to hatch out at least 3 times before may, so I better start getting my dates hammered out...
I have one more roo to butcher before snow flies to have my chicken numbers where I want them for wintertime...
Good morning! Hope everyone has a great day!

Danielle, sounds like you have quite an ambitious plan! Can't wait to hear what you decide to do for your three hatches. Any particular breeds you are planning on hatching? Your own eggs or from elsewhere?

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