Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Thanks! Antibiotics making me sick, but I took the last one Sunday. Now just a recheck to be sure everything is gone
And maybe a couple of days for my stomach to get back in working order. Good luck rehoming your roo! I have a feeling you can be very persuasive when the situation calls for it.

Did you get any probiotics, yogurt or buttermilk they really do help. Glad your finished with the drugs.

Yes to the probiotics and yogurt. Now, I like yogurt. But force feeding myself two to three times per day is starting to make me not like it!!

Here's one of my JB chicks playing "King of the Mountain" with mamma! The other two are snuggling under her wing in the sunshine. It was a great first day out of the coop!

Did you get any probiotics, yogurt or buttermilk they really do help. Glad your finished with the drugs.

Yes to the probiotics and yogurt. Now, I like yogurt. But force feeding myself two to three times per day is starting to make me not like it!!

Here's one of my JB chicks playing "King of the Mountain" with mamma! The other two are snuggling under her wing in the sunshine. It was a great first day out of the coop!

Love it, was just looking at them on the broody thread. they are adorable. any starting to feather fast? suppose to be the girls.
Yes to the probiotics and yogurt. Now, I like yogurt. But force feeding myself two to three times per day is starting to make me not like it!!

Here's one of my JB chicks playing "King of the Mountain" with mamma! The other two are snuggling under her wing in the sunshine. It was a great first day out of the coop!

Love it, was just looking at them on the broody thread. they are adorable. any starting to feather fast? suppose to be the girls.

Two already have wing feathers! yay! Two girls would be great!
Love it, was just looking at them on the broody thread. they are adorable. any starting to feather fast? suppose to be the girls.

Two already have wing feathers! yay! Two girls would be great!

Well we'll see if that statement pans out then.
Haven't been on in a couple of days.

Our internet hasn't been working for several days so that was part of the problem, plus I have been way to busy to get on chat. We started cleaning out our storage building so we have ''junk' setting out everywhere. We are planning to have a garage sale at my grandmother's house in town in a couple of weeks so we've been going through our stuff trying to decided what we do, and don't want to keep. Had a Serama chick hatch this morning. That makes 3 Serama chicks I hatched out the last 2-3 days. They're so cute.

Finished my hatch from last week. I think the finally tally was 29-30 chicks? 9 Speckled Sussex, 8 Light Sussex, 2 Lavender Orpingtons, 1 Sussex mix, and 8-9 blue/black Marans.

More later...

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Haven't been on in a couple of days.

Our internet hasn't been working for several days so that was part of the problem, plus I have been way to busy to get on chat. We started cleaning out our storage building so we have ''junk' setting out everywhere. We are planning to have a garage sale at my grandmother's house in town in a couple of weeks so we've been going through our stuff trying to decided what we do, and don't want to keep. Had a Serama chick hatch this morning. That makes 3 Serama chicks I hatched out the last 2-3 days. They're so cute.

Finished my hatch from last week. I think the finally tally was 29-30 chicks? 9 Speckled Sussex, 8 Light Sussex, 2 Lavender Orpingtons, 1 Sussex mix, and 8-9 blue/black Marans.

More later...


you must have some huge coops.
I wonder if there is a way to incorporate the yogurt into recipes like pumpkin pie, puddings/custards, etc without losing its benefits? I see a bout of research in my near future!

Glad you're feeling better, and hope you get completely better soon!

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