Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*


Pardon me if I'm being a bit STUPID, but I believe I see a pic of a Salmon Favorelle Roo in the 'middle pic, right above the Silkies and the egg.

Is he the one you mentioned is your Silver Amercuana Roo ?

I'm just curious because I have an SF Roo ( Bobby ), who could be his twin. Lol

If I'm missing the Roo you are talking about , my apologies.

Just curious.


This is my SF Roo , Bobby
ladychicken&Ducklover :

I believe I see a pic of a Salmon Favorelle Roo in the 'middle pic, right above the Silkies and the egg.

Is he the one you mentioned is your Silver Amercuana Roo ?

I'm just curious because I have an SF Roo ( Bobby ), who could be his twin. Lol

If I'm missing the Roo you are talking about , my apologies.

Just curious.


This is my SF Roo , Bobby

He does kinda look like a SF, but his legs are clean and his pea-comb (though a bit flopped over), does have the correct 3 rows.

This is a link to a google image search for Silver Ameraucanas and they look like my guy!
Have you been to the website?

You have an amazing Ameraucana breeder, John Blehm, right in your state!

I think I am going to order some of his Silver Ameraucanas next year!
Yay! I love updated pics on my grandchicks...he is looking good!
Allen, I do hope you order some more silver's from John. It is one variety that deserves more attention and breeders. Plus, John is excellent to work with.

I love your Silkie assistant!
X2!!1since i don't know where ya''ll get these neat add ons.. ♥

Go on are some cute free smileys.

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