Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I am having some serious problems at home, but I wanted to make sure that I had a chance to stop in and wish all of my peeps a Happy (if belated) Thanksgiving! Good luck to all you hard core shoppers too!
I'm sorry Jl are you still sick?
Anything new? For addiction I mean?

Chickens just flood my life! I see chickens in the yards of peoples houses, and I get all excited! I try to recognize the breeds.

My brain is racing with thoughts.. Rhode Island Reds... Barred Rocks... Leghorns... Easter Eggers... it's crazy I tell ya!
I don't have any new chickens, beyond the one that hatched a couple weeks ago. BUT my waitress, last night, had chickens and I told her about this forum. So I am helping to spread the addiction to this site...which is almost as good as speading the addiction to chickens themselves. She has 29 rescue chickens. Her brother is a State Police Officer and has found them running along the road, abandoned at a repossessed house and other places and brings them home to his sister. Nice officer. Nicer sister.
I hear ya! I keep chicken hatchery catalogs next to my bed, I check the hatchery websites several times a day.

I ordered 25 assorted pullets 2 weeks ago, not because I needed any more, but because I needed a "fix"!

I already had 12(ish) bantams in the grow out pen from the October order and I think there are 16 chickens and 2 ducks in the henhouse.

Oh, wait, make that 18 in the hen house, I forgot to count the broody hens, both sitting on a dozen eggs (Ameraucana, Maran and Olive Egger mixes from the 2 breeds!)

Oh, and Daisychick has a dozen of my eggs and and dozen of hers in her Brinsea!


If this an addiction, I will NEVER try the hard stuff!

(I am ogling the Emu hatching eggs on ebay and considering hiding one in the Brinsea for 58 days, when the chicks come out on Dec 13th!)

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