Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Hi All. I'm a newly hatched addict. We only started raising chickens earlier this year. At first we had them in a chicken tractor and I didn't have much interaction with them. I just thought about the poop and extra work. Then we found BYC and decided to chance letting them be pasture free ranged. The very first day we let them roam true personalities started to come out. I now go out and spend time with them every day. I have a seat outside (even in the cold) that as soon as I sit down, all 33 of our babies come running to get some attention. Several like to have a turn sitting on my lap to get petted. I have one very young hen that will stand on my feet until I pick her up. She was adopted and we think she is a Muran. I haven't yet named her. I've been calling her Baby Girl for the last 2 months. We also raise rabbits and while they are cute and cuddly, they lack the unique personalities our chickies have. Yes, I'm now an addict as well.
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This is what I love about this group! We all get the attraction of watching our chickens be chickens! Welcome to the group!

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