Chicken Stories (rules in the first post)


Will Barter For Coffee
12 Years
May 6, 2007
Columbia Gorge, OR
This is your mission:

Write one paragraph of an ongoing chicken story. The next poster writes the next paragraph and so on.

You may end a chicken story anytime you like, BUT you must write a second paragraph to start a new chicken story for the next person who posts.

Your paragraphs must always include chickens as their topic. How you use those chickens are up to you.

Good luck!

PS don't worry if paragraphs overlap because two or more people respond at once. This should still make for some unusual and fun writing

Here goes the first paragraph....

Three chickens met along a dirt road. It was a sweet, clear day and the chickens gathered to discuss the morning's events. It had started as simple as can be expected: wake up, go out, and free range. What these three chickens didn't know was the complications that lay ahead for them all.
for a head in the distance, the coons and coyots, were scheming on how to snatch them, all. But all the sudden the farmer sees them, shots without missen a beat, and the three chickens seperate as do the predators now they are all lost alone in the...
...barnyard. Golda, the buff orpington, peeks out from under the mower deck of Farmer Brown's bush hog only to see the tail feathers of Beatrice, a barred rock, and Ophelia, a rhode island red, disappear around the open door of the milking shed. "Oh, Dear", she sighs. Hitching her bloomers she hightails it lickety-split after her two SIL's (sisters-in-laying).
When she catches up, however, they turn on her.
"Why are you following us?" they ask. "Go back to your safe little nest. We have big-girl business to do!"
Poor Golda is VERY hurt.
Golda thought for a second (it only took a second due to the size of her brain). She thought, "I'll show them how brave I can be!" and she set off across the yard toward the open road. She was all alone, waddling across the long yard, when suddently she heard a hawk overhead.
Fear gripped her heart as she tried to run for the safety of the pen. Would she make it? The hawk swooped lower, talons extended, ready for the kill strike when suddenly out of nowhere there was a tiny red blur and a voice as big as a thundercloud. It was Mr. Big Stuff to the rescue! Being a bantam BB Red, he had to yell REALLY loud and jump REALLY high, but being MUCH braver than he was big, he followed in his idol Nugget's shoes and yelled so loudly that hawk was scared out of his wits! The hawk flew away as fast as his wings could carry him. Golda turned and looked at Mr. Big Stuff and said,
Mr. Big Stuff's chest puffed out a little further and he stood tall. He had a crush on Golda from the very first time he laid eyes on her bloomers, and he had been watching her as she crossed the yard. Beatrice and Ophelia had seen the entire drama unfold from their spot in the barn. They could see the affection between Mr. Big Stuff and Golda, and they became very jealous. They came up with an idea.
Golda was oblivious to the scheming old biddies in the barn. Her cheeks flushed and she preened her feathers under Mr. Big Stuff's enamored gaze.

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