Chicken Stories (rules in the first post)

He noticed grasshoppers! Mr Big Stuff lead Golda to the horse pasture clucking proudly and catching several and giving the tasty treats to her alone while Beatrice and Ophelia watched on with rage. How dare she....
... get to munch on all those fat juicey grasshoppers while they stood in the smelly barn scratching through the horse droppings. Mr. Big Stuff strutted as tall as he could around Ophelia and shook a little tail feather with every scratch. Throwing back his head he unleashed the biggest crow a little rooster could muster. Ophelia clucked softly and stole a glance at ...
...his lovely red comb. She heard a strange noise outside and started out the barn door. Suddenly Mr. Big Stuff blocked the exit and quickly alerted the fellow birds to be on lookout. When suddenly,
a young human child came running around the corner, carrying a bucket of water. The water was sloshing everywhere, and the child squealed with glee when she saw the chickens. She let go of the bucket and scrambled after Mr. Big Stuff. The bucket landed right on top of ...
...the childs foot who screamed in horror! a man came running and the child said mr.biggstuff pecked him, the man....
knew this could not be true because Mr. Big Stuff was a perfect little gentleman and never, EVER pecked children, the caregiver lady, or the man himself. The man confronted the child who then told the truth about what had happened. The man sent the child into the house to wait for his return and some, shall we say "application of posterior discipline" , for telling a lie and Mr. Big Stuff and Golda strolled into the barn to check on the two big girls. Mr. Big Stuff looked at Beatrice and Ophelia and said, "Thank you, ladies, for being so gracious. I really appreciate each of you. You're so beautiful and friendly, and sweet natured beyond compare!". The big girls' hearts were filled with joy. Their jealousy toward Golda and Mr. Big Stuff melted away like snow on a warm spring day. They joined Mr. Big Stuff and Golda, and the four of them headed out into the yard for a group stroll. As they were talking, giggling, and really getting to know each other, Beatrice happened to glance toward the neighbor's yard. She could hardly believe her eyes! It was ...
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the most handsome rooster she had ever seen! She had only seen one like him in "Hatchery Magazine", and she believed he was named Buff O.
She suddenly turned around to see Golda giving her the evil eye. "What is the matter?!" she asked.....
Mr. Big Stuff sensed the rivalry between the young ladies and tried to divert their attention. "Let's play a game!" he announced. "Whoever can jump the farthest off the fence gets a 10 second head start when we get our treats tonight!" They all agreed to play...
although Beatrice longed to talk the Buff O. She smiled, looking over at Mr. Big Stuff and her two friends. "Well, let's go!" Beatrice let the others run ahead and jump on the fence, while she allowed herself one more glance at the handssome rooster in the next yard. She wondered if he notcied her, when suddenly the rooster reared his head back and crowed. It was the most beautiful crow Beatrice had heard in her whole life! -

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