chicken toys ??

I'm sure you have done this but I'm putting out cabbage heads on a screw bolt hung from a string. They stay so interested and busy pecking at it. Good luck and I hope spring comes early for you.
I've thrown a meaty beef bone to the chickens and let them run with it for a while.  They will play "keep away" until the bone is picked clean.


That is hilarious!

I too, look in the parrot aisle, also cat toy aisle for larger ones....and baby/infant togs for my ducks and now geese. :caf
I'm new to this chicken raising, learning/researching tons a day it seems! :)
I was wondering if the (empty) cardboard paper towel roll would be an ok toy. I threw one in and my 7 week old's enjoyed trying to stand on it and take turns carrying it around. After, I thought maybe I shouldn't keep it in there incase they'd start eating it...Is it ok? Thanks.
I like to tie a toy moth to a stick and run around with it. Automatic chicken fun!
I cut about 12" of length off a clothes hanger, loop the end for a rope to tie to, Shove the wire through the top to the bottom of the lettuce or cabbage and bend the bottom of the wire (about 1"). Then when it's gone, You can straighten it out and put another one on. Raise it above their heads 3-10" and they will have fun (and get exercise) reaching for it.
I read somewhere that you can use plastic easter eggs and fill them with feed and poke holes in them. They'll be rolling the eggs around to get the feed out. I got mine a couple of pet-bird toys but they don't seem to interested in them yet!

Wow what a great idea!!

I read this and got to thinking. I washed out a plastic 8 oz Nutella jar with a screw lid and used a hot rod to put 6 or 8 holes in it. I filled it with scratch and popped it into their run. Well two days went by and it was burried in the litter and almost nothing was missing.

I picked it up and shook it - almost nothing came out. SOOOO - I opened the holes up with my pocket knife. About 5/16 to 3/8". Then shook it. Out came the scratch and over to me came my 8 blue orps. I had their attention now. So I shook it a few more times just so they knew where it was coming from and dropped the container on the ground.

Today I came out and the container was not only totally empty but they had dug a hole around it a foot in diameter and 6" deep!

They were very reluctant to admit it was finally empty! So, of course, I refilled it!
well i am getting my girls cabbage this weekend and some rope and i am going to hang it from a tree branch, thanks for the word to the wise about the robe getting around a neck but I already plan on being out there with them and a camera to get those silly girls doing what ever they will with this cabbage hanging there LOL this should be a sight for the neighbors - i have to hang it rather low for my two banties to have fun. I will post pictures to let you all know how they did.
You can make a wire tether all out of clothes hangar wire if the have pliers. I bought one but would just make them in the future. I hung mine with electrical wire.

This is actually a commercially available chicken toy, it is for sale on Amazon for only $6. You fill it with treats and then when the chickens peck at it the treats come out.

I fill mine with cracked corn, scratch or mealworms and my girls absoulutely love it, especially my barred rock Layla, it keeps them very entertained.

Here is a picture of my girls playing with the toy:

Photobomb by my welsummer Pickles

Hope I helped!
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