chicken toys ??

What a great thread!

Other enrichment activities are planting flats of grass, greens and/or herbs for them to nibble on. A frame of 2x4s with hardware cloth over it can also be used to protect a foraging area planted in the run.

Grains or seeds can be buried in a tray of large gravel, so they have to spend time searching for it, instead of immediately gobbling it down.

I've heard some chickens enjoy a mirror in the coop.

You can skewer and hang a lot of different fruits and vegetables or use food cages. They sell these items for parrots, but you can use other found items or just make your own. Just this last week, some one here post a picture of their coop with a plastic bag dispenser mounted on the wall, used to feed greens. Gee, I wish I could remember which post that was.

They sell treat balls, as well as other shaped toys, for cats and dogs. The toys have holes in them. You put treats or even the animals regular food inside and as it's rolled around, the food falls out. This could be an interesting way to feed grains or seed, also. You could make something like this, too.
I've looked into getting squares of sod for treats, but Agway only sells them in minimum orders, like to cover a whole lawn...
wegotchickens--I buy grass-fed/finished meat straight from the farmer too. (Its been years since I bought meat from the grocery store) Most of the bones are used for stock, but I do toss the chickens a few.

Are you a member of Weston A. Price Foundation too?
No, I've not heard of that. I buy from a guy that shows up at the local farmer's market.
A friend of mine buys hers from a cattleman in Maryville.
I wouldn't use commercial-origin sod either. I've read that some of the chemicals used in the lawn-care industry have caused a spike in pet cancer cases.

Better to use a chunk of soil with weeds/overgrown grass from a neglected corner of your yard or a vacant lot in your neighborhood. There would be plenty of healthy bugs in that.

I love this thread too and my husband thinks we are all certified nut cases. LOL! The sod idea is rockin', especially because I'm planning to take out some neglected "lawn" and plant an herb garden. If I take a small chunk out every day this winter, to give to my bored ducks, I'll have a garden by spring!

I also love WoodlandWoman's use of the term "enrichment activities," that had me ROFLMAO! I mean it is apt, just funny to hear it in juxtaposition to "chicken toys." I really like her suggestion of putting grains in a tray of gravel.
wegotchickens--If you (or any BYC'ers) are interested in nutrition and real foods, then you will enjoy their quarterly newsletters. They promote eating farm eggs, grass-fed meats, local grown food, raw milk, and use traditional ways of preparing food. They were against using vegetable oils/shortening long before the general public heard of trans-fats. Also, they exposed nutritional myth of soy being a healthy food unless it is fermented.
I hope I don't offend BYC by listing the WAP's website, since most of us BYCers love to eat fresh eggs.

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