chicken toys ??

I bring out my prism and make the rainbows ''run'' away from them. They Love to chase the rainbows, I think they think it's a bug
If it involves chasing something and pecking it, They are sure to love it.
MoodyChicken wrote:

"They'd probably get a kick out of cat jingly balls. Bright colors + moves or rolls easily = curious chicken."

I love this idea. I hope my neighbors won't mind me borrowing their cat for awhile.
here is what i have made for my parrots i buy wood blocks pine,birch or cut our own we then get containers or pans and make up unsweeten kool aid pretty colors to color the wood its non toxic. soak the wood for approx 20 minutes each to get darker colors we drill holes and get a wire coat hanger make a loop at bottom and then srting the wood blocks i have also drilled rawhide and colored it too the birds loved our toys so we give to chickens at first they thought it was scarey now i yell when i come outside look what mom has and they cant wait to see what suprize is next.
i have place toiet aper rolls in coop they are fun for the day but dont last past 2 days and throw away.

i like the idea of a stump we have a few that have a bunch of gross beetles and such yuck yuck my hens are tom girls.
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Can we make this a sticky? I love it! I'm totally going to try the cabbage from a string while I'm out there, and maybe a suet cage with some veggies (wired to the run) for when I'm not.
Some things we use and a couple ideas...

A small (1 lb size) coffee can with holes in the lid. Fill with birdseed or BOSS for them to roll around.

Tie bunches of weed stalks with seed heads together. Haang upside down by attaching to a coop wall or fence.

Ours get all the bones from our meals. (No dog here.) They love these and drag them all over the place, play keep away with them.

I might try this...make something like a peanut butter feeder for wild birds...picture: But no perches of course. Surely hens would love it filled with a homemade suet mix and be entertained for quite some time.

Flakes of hay are quite entertaining for them. They sratch all through them for hours, tearing them apart to find seeds and leaf blades.
To check brooder temps, I used an infrared thermometer (a little sort of gun-shaped gadget). It has a laser pointer so you can tell where the temp is taken. The chicks loved the laser pointer and would chase it around, pecking at it. I've also used a regular old $1.99 laser pointer and they enjoy that.
I bought one of those little 2.99 wire hamster balls at the pet store. I fill it with greens (my girls love kale), hang it at just above head height and the girls jump and stretch for it. They love it, and come running when they see me with it.

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