chicken tractor - wheels?


In the Brooder
May 4, 2018
I have built a chicken tractor very similar to the garden ark, and am debating putting wheels on it... wondering if someone could share some insight about how to attach wheels? I've heard some people make them retractable - what does that look like exactly? what kind should I get, how do I attach them, etc?? I need the tractor to be able to sit flush with the ground.

This is a work-in-progress picture of what I have made, to give you an idea. I have since attached an 8 footer that runs along either side so that it can be lifted by 2 people.
That was a photo I found on the internet David. I never actually built the tractor. Otherwise you could be sure I would have posted your request.

Thanks. I think I can figure it out, but seeing would have been even better. :) I'll have to post pictures of both sides, up and down when I build my own. Seeing the picture with the pipe was like an epiphany, though. I had been planning to do the same thing with wood, but the pipe will be stronger and simple.
That was a photo I found on the internet David. I never actually built the tractor. Otherwise you could be sure I would have posted your request.

Thanks again for the photo. I used Google Image search to find the photo again. It was on an older thread here that I didn't find when I used a word search for "retractable wheels".

Someone else created the wheels with the original poster's help. They posted images of the finished product and it's exactly what I needed. I also found a link to the original source plans that were being sold that the OP used to build his coop. The site looks pretty old, so they may not be selling the plans anymore. I sent a contact message anyway. That site is: Stagecoach Tractor.

The link to the thread with the full photos of the lift system is:

Unfortunately, neither the original poster of the photo you shared or the poster of the photos I found is still active here. Hopefully the small bit of detective work I did, with the photo you posted, will help someone else out!

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