Chicken TV works both ways

Do you want your chickens spying on you?

  • Sure!

    Votes: 20 87.0%
  • No, it gives me the creeps

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please post

    Votes: 3 13.0%

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I can’t always tell them apart any more! Big Bird was clearly bigger than the other 3 when I got them (~ 1 week old). The others tried to snuggle under her! In the last couple of weeks, I can only tell at certain angles, or when I see Little Bird do her thing where she tucks her head in more often than the others.
Looking at other pix I took at the same time, I think Little Bird is in the middle.

And the toy chick was already there when I discovered the sill-roosting! Not a prop!
The Buffys are roosting on the windowsill pretty regularly, but it’s slanted and kind of slippery and usually only Little Bird makes it through the night. We have another window we plan to install that will make the sill inaccessible, and we will build a roost a little lower so it’s not in a draft. If that’s where they want to roost, we will make it safer and enough room for everyone!

DH opened the pop door today because he was worried about the heat. Mostly they stayed in the coop, probably appreciative of the extra breeze. But after an hour or more the Buffys went outside. I put some scratch on top of the ramp, feeding more inside to keep those birds in. Thank goodness one came in and I called the other in, bribing with more scratch. I never give them more than a tablespoon! Feast today. Everybody was in for the night.
My new coop is attached to the porch, and we have a window into the coop.

Apparently the chickies believe they have a window into the porch!

Chickens on the porch ... I SO understand! I've actually got two breeding pairs (Nankin bantams and Porcelain d'Uccles) living in super-sized kennels ON my front porch at the moment. I don't know what I was thinking when I decided that would be a good idea. The original thought was to keep them out of sight of the flock in the back yard. That part worked, but back-fired. They can't SEE each other, but they sure do HEAR each other! DS has to make sure he gets the trash out before sundown, or we get echo-wars between the front and back yards. And turning (or leaving) the porch light on at night was a recipe for 2 am serenades. I was SO glad when he moved off second shift!
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Chickens on the porch ... I SO understand! I've actually got two breeding pairs (Nankin bantams and Porcelain d'Uccles) living in super-sized kennels ON my front porch at the moment. I don't know what I was thinking when I decided that would be a good idea. The original thought was to keep them out of sight of the flock in the back yard. That part worked, but back-fired. They can't SEE each other, but they sure do HEAR each other! DD has to make sure he gets the trash out before sundown, or we get echo-wars between the front and back yards. And turning (or leaving) the porch light on at night was a recipe for 2 am serenades. I was SO glad when he moved off second shift!
I believe birds, of all sorts, are much more curious than cats. I lived in an old miners cabin high in the Rockies for a long time. It was partially burmed in and there were huge ravens that would walk along the path and look in on me from time to time. I welcomed their visits and always felt protected.

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