Chicken verse dogs

Maybe hubby can devise a plan until then... Even if it's buying a dog kennel to let the girls roam in during the day and he can put them up at night... Best of luck and congrats on the baby!!!!!!! Babies are the best!!!!!!! Stay well and focus on growing your next offspring!!!!
With dog training, once or twice a day for ten minutes at a time is all it takes. That is how I train my hunting dogs and it works. Dogs have short attention spans, you're right. I've also found that teaching them right before wrong works best, most of the time. For instance, to teach my dogs not to make noise, I praise them when they're quiet ("good quiet! ") rather than yelling at them to " quiet" when barking, because the word means nothing until you do. In the case of not touching something they want, I use praise and reprimand. Put it in front of them and praise them as they resist temptation; scold when they try to get it or even reach towards it. Now, it does depend on how the dog views you as an authority, how strong his desire to please is, and how hard headed he is. Good luck!

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