Chickenmama6rir CHAT Thread!!!

What's for supper?

We had hot dogs!
Today I got 6 chapters finished in a book I have to read for school. I picked up sheet metal that blew off the roof a few weeks ago into the woods. And I trimmed all the branches off a tree that fell down. And my grandparents got here today.

Wow! You got a lot accomplished in one day!
Oh cool! Sounds like you're staying busy, huh? :lol:

My week is CRAMMED :th tomorrow I plan on spending as much time as possible with the chickens and horses before nationals, since we have SO much to do on Thursday :/ I hate being this busy


Oh my goodness guys! My phone didn't let me know that there was action going on on my chat thread. Apperantly it hasn't died out :D Sorry guys :( What are y'all doing today?
We had hot dogs!
Wow! You got a lot accomplished in one day!

Oh my goodness guys! My phone didn't let me know that there was action going on on my chat thread. Apperantly it hasn't died out
Sorry guys
What are y'all doing today?
SPending as much time as possible with my horses and chickens - and you guys - before the insane cramming happens

I actually caught Smoke in under 10 minutes this morning
the little psycho
I need to play with him more... he likes consistency, or he forgets EVERYTHING - Oh, he's gonna be a handful when I get back...

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