Chickenmama6rir CHAT Thread!!!

So the mama and daddy were named Sampson and Molly, but we're probably going to end up changing them. :lol: I just call them Mama duck and Daddy duck. :p
We got 9 of the babies, and both parents. :yesss:
Mama duck is a vicious killer with tiny teeth. :oops:
So the mama and daddy were named Sampson and Molly, but we're probably going to end up changing them. :lol: I just call them Mama duck and Daddy duck. :p
We got 9 of the babies, and both parents. :yesss:
Mama duck is a vicious killer with tiny teeth. :oops:
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 ducks!!!!! That's awesome. Yeah, I would probably change their names, but just because i would want to name them myself lol! OUCH! I bet that hurts :oops:

My two ducks look like the mama and daddy lol.Well, kinda.... Sorry about the dirty floor. They had just gotten out of the bathtub after playtime and we put the towel down for them to lay on.....they hardly ever do :lau Oh and the clothes need to be folded lol!
:eek: Whoa they do!!! They're the same breeds, it seems.
I have named a baby duck Twix. :cool: And I get to name one more but I haven't decided which one OR what name! :lol:
The black and white is a magpie. I LUUUUV MAGPIES. :love :love

My other duck shall be named Cassian. Or Cassy, if it turns out to be a girl. :lol:
(Cassian is a main character in rouge one. ;))
Thanks! :D
So far we've got Daddy, Mama (so original right? XD), Quack, Twix, Cassian, and I think sis had one named but I'm not positive. :lol:

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