Chickens attacked by neighbor down the road dogs


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2017
So we were pretty worked up this afternoon.... all started yesterday the neighbor down the street came to our house with 1 dog and asks who it was, we told them its to the neighbor further down the road... well the pit was loose and attacked his little dog that a little girl was walking infront of his house... had it by the neck. Well he took it back supposably gave the guy hell for his aggressive dog getting loose.... Well tonight 3 of his dogs got loose ... heard things falling over on our front porch where our cat stays while i was feeding the chickens, then 1 knocked over my child, then all 3 came towards me and i couldnt keep them down. all the chickens started running and all 3 pits were on them. couldnt get them off, were all running around trying to get them and ofcoarse my husband and i r not that fast. they got a hold of our favorite main rooster. finally they dropped the rooster when my husband was able to give the dog a good kick. kids are screaming and crying because our chickens are our pets/family. we had raised them in our house everyday until they went to their coop and even then we r out there everyday with them. I dont mind dogs getting loose and visiting if their nice and not attacking kids, or pets but their is no need to keep aggressive animals if all they do is get out, why even have mean animals? Im sooo ticked. So my rooster didnt seem as he was going to make it at first but has a good couple tears on him. he did come back into the coop has a limp, i cleaned it out and put some neosporin on it. How well do chickens survive attacks like this?
They are quite tough, but you never know. You should isolate him so you can treat his wounds and the other chickens can't peck at him. Sorry this happened. Can you fence your yard?
Ive only got 2 roosters and 3 hens then i have 2 bantam roosters and 2 pullets... our rooster that got attacked is our alpha that does the guarding and all and hes the one that straightens everyone else up... He continued doing his job even hurt and is always last in our coop and still was tonight.... Do you think the tables would turn and he would start getting pecked at? Im getting more hens here soon i know the rooster to hen ratio, I got staright runs and working on buying more pullets/hens.
Hope your bird does well! You did call Animal Control and the police, right? File a complaint!!! Have you talked to this neighbor? Or send the police tomorrow. You are due any cost incurred by this attack, and a good person would be apologizing and offering to cover any costs without being asked! I have dogs, well fenced, and if any of my critters gets out and causes harm, I'd be there trying to make it right. All the best, Mary
Hope your bird does well! You did call Animal Control and the police, right? File a complaint!!! Have you talked to this neighbor? Or send the police tomorrow. You are due any cost incurred by this attack, and a good person would be apologizing and offering to cover any costs without being asked! I have dogs, well fenced, and if any of my critters gets out and causes harm, I'd be there trying to make it right. All the best, Mary

I second all of this. Any respectful dog/animal owner would be trying to right their wrongs. If people can't "handle" their animals they shouldn't have animals.
ok i went out and put a dog cage in the coop and hes in there so the other chickens wont get after him. I feel like i shouldnt have to build a fence. all my animals stay in my yard. the owners are still not home we just went and checked.... this all happened around 7:30pm so needless to say i didnt see any dogs on their property so they are still running loose. Honestly those dogs are lucky to be alive because i personally dont think kindly to other pets coming over attacking my kids and our pets on our property. Anything you have is your responsiblility and if you cant handle them you dont need them. thats how i feel. I really hope my rooster can come out of this. Ill post pictures tomorrow of his wounds. I live out in the country and we have 1 sheriff that does it all out here. We like to handle business ourselves bc the authorities are not worth a damn here.
All the dog wardens will do is nothin but fine them money and court costs etc... doesnt matter much even if you call.

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