Chickens falling asleep on their feet: update


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Washington County, NY
Another in a series of poultry disasters. Came home from a day away and noticed that one of the roos was falling asleep as he perched on the fence. It wasn't nearly dark, only about 6 pm. Others started doing it too!!! They all seemed fine this morning, Two were already roosting in the coop, unheard of at that hour.

Husband has run out to buy Duramycin, the only injectable antibiotic I know of for chickens.

Anyone know what this could be??? Is there another cure???? Really, really don't want to lose the flock!
UPDATE: We injected them all with Duramycin last night. This morning they seem absolutely fine. They were thirsty but otherwise completely normal.

Still don't know what it is but maybe a mycotoxin? It has been raining a lot lately. Also, a few mushrooms have appeared around where they scratch, one at least of which looks "tasted."

I thought this might be helpful to anyone else with the same problem.

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