Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Pop Quiz

Ok, here is the promised Pop Quiz. But here are the rules and background info.

There are two birds focused on here. I will try to identify them simply as Bird #1 and Bird #2. They are both ISA Browns, the quintessential layer. Think the CX of the layer birds. These are not dual purpose fowl. They are dedicated purpose fowl. Eggs, eggs and more eggs. They are both 8 months old, all the birds came in a box of 25, hatched on the same day, brooded together and raised together. Always been fed the same feed, in the same environment.

Apologize for my crappy photography and camera quality. It is what it is. While it doesn't come through on the camera well, I can give you this hint. Their feathering quality is vastly different in real life. You'll have to decide which is which and why.

Rules for the Quiz.

1. Only those who've kept backyard birds for less than 3 years are allowed to take the quiz.
2. No one can reply right now. Anyone who replies today, will be DQ'd. No ifs, ands or butts.
3. The window of turning in your Quiz responses will NOT be until this time tomorrow. There will be an open window of 8 hours in which to turn in your Quiz. Anytime tomorrow(NOW TODAY, DEC. 9) is just fine, after 1 pm EST. Noon CST, 11 am MST and 10 am PST. Sure, this is a gimmick, but hey. I want to think about this quiz and not give instant, knee jerk responses. OK?
4. Tell me what you see in comparing these two birds.
5. Tell me if you would cull one, both, neither, and why you think so.

OK, there it is. Is everyone ready for the photos to judge?

Bird # 1

Bird # 1 Bird # 2

Bird #1 Bird # 2

Bird # 2

Bird # 2

FRED's Quiz:

Ok, here is the promised Pop Quiz.  But here are the rules and background info.

  There are two birds focused on here. I will try to identify them simply as Bird #1 and Bird #2.   They are both ISA Browns, the quintessential layer.  Think the CX of the layer birds.  These are not dual purpose fowl.  They are dedicated purpose fowl. Eggs, eggs and more eggs.  They are both 8 months old, all the birds came in a box of 25, hatched on the same day, brooded together and raised together.  Always been fed the same feed, in the same environment.

Apologize for my crappy photography and camera quality.  It is what it is.  While it doesn't come through on the camera well, I can give you this hint.  Their feathering quality is vastly different in real life.  You'll have to decide which is which and why.   

Rules for the Quiz.     

1.  Only those who've kept backyard birds for less than 3 years are allowed to take the quiz.  
2.  No one can reply right now.   Anyone who replies today, will be DQ'd.  No ifs, ands or butts.   
3. The window of turning in your Quiz responses will NOT be until this time tomorrow.  There will be an open window of 8 hours in which to turn in your Quiz.  Anytime tomorrow[COLOR=B22222](NOW TODAY, DEC. 9)[/COLOR] is just fine, [COLOR=B22222]after 1 pm[/COLOR] EST. Noon CST, 11 am MST and 10 am PST.    Sure, this is a gimmick, but hey.  I want to think about this quiz and not give instant, knee jerk responses.  OK?
4.  Tell me what you see in comparing these two birds.  
5.  Tell me if you would cull one, both, neither, and why you think so.

OK, there it is.  Is everyone ready for the photos to judge?

                          Bird # 1

        Bird # 1                            Bird # 2

               Bird #1                      Bird # 2

                       Bird # 2

                                     Bird # 2

OK I am gonna try. I like bird number one. she seems like a plumper bird more of a brick shape longer down the back .She does seem to be slower maturing than bird two. which could mean that she (bird1)may lay longer than bird two. From what I'be read.(but isn't thread more about handed down info from OT's than the stuff you find in books) the pullet should be more at the correct weight for better performance as layer than just age. ISA Browns are a cross of RIR and WHITE RIR? so they should be kinda plump bricks?
now bird two. skinny bird. (kinda like my layers.they are mutt cross of leghorn and rir+god knows what. )Probably will burn out faster than bird one. Tail seems a little pinched.
I would also have to give both of them more time.
edited because my train of thought was interrupted by DBF.
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I know really !!!!............ they are skeeer'd Walt, if they had it there way we gentleman would all be mutes, that way they won't have to listen to us tell them how silly they sound. IMHO the divorce rate would decline by 99% with the use of duct tape carefully placed in the center of their pretty little faces under their nose
for like at least the first 30yrs, now that's marital bliss.
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Bee, I want to take the quiz, but I don't know if I have the confidence to or not.
I've been staring at those birds all morning and while I can see some obvious differences in them, I don't really know if I can judge which, if either is the better of the two or if they are just DIFFERENT. heh. We'll see, I may just sit back and learn from everyone else. But I'm definitely going to be watching for Fred's final answer!
I know really !!!!............ they are skeeer'd Walt, if they had it there way we gentleman would all be mutes, that way they won't have to listen to us tell them how silly they sound. IMHO the divorce rate would decline by 99% with the use of duct tape carefully placed in the center of their pretty little faces under their nose
for like at least the first 30yrs, now that's marital bliss.

Oh, oh, done gone and done it now, boy! I'm going to just sit back here and soak up the sights of the carnage, if you don't mind. Don't wanna get my boots bloody... there...I'm perched up on the roosts. Let the games begin!

Well, here goes... I've only been learning about the way a chicken should look for the past 20 pages or so of this thread, so I'm incredibly new at this. I'd also like to state that I've skipped the past few pages so as not to be influenced by any other newbie's answers or any responses they may have received.

Bird #1: first fault I notice is the pale face and comb, which may be an indicator that she's not laying. She also seems to have a pinched tail. I think. On a positive note, she has beautiful legs ;) of a bright color, the deeper, rounder breast of the two (although that wouldn't be as big of a concern for an ISA), her feathering appears to be smooth and full. Something I question is the shape of her back. From the angle in the pics and the way she is roosting I can't be sure, but it almost seems that she is humped up in the middle. If that's possible? If she is not laying, as her comb indicates at 8 months old, she would certainly be a cull in an egg-laying flock. I'd dog crate her for a few days to be sure, and then she would meet her demise...

Bird #2: For starters, in contrast to Bjrd 1, her comb and face are very red. to me, she is very "leghorn-looking" which could be a positive thing in an egg-laying flock, particularly if that comb color indicator is correct. By leghorn-looking, I mean she is more slender and awkward-looking. My two best egg layers look more like this bird.
She appears more "scraggly" to me than Bird 1 in the feather department. Just not as smooth and full looking. She may have a slightly pinched tail, although I don't think as badly as Bird 1. Her back seems more steeply sloped than is ideal, although I have no idea what ideal is. She just looks too sloped to me.
If she is in fact laying, she would stay. I may breed her if she is an excellent producer of eggs if that's all I'm concerned about. If I want something a bit prettier, I would eat the eggs and not breed her.

... I'm feeling rather vulnerable Right now! Still, I'm grateful for the learning opportunity, Fred! Thanks!


See you can still get lathered up............ I don't think the other gals will be very vocal cause they know it's true, now go and fetch me that roll a duct tape, grey is my favorite color hehehehehee.
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]Ok, here is the promised Pop Quiz. But here are the rules and background info.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]There are two birds focused on here. I will try to identify them simply as Bird #1 and Bird #2. They are both[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]ISA[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]Browns, the quintessential layer. Think the CX of the layer birds. These are not dual purpose fowl. They are dedicated purpose fowl. Eggs, eggs and more eggs. They are both 8 months old, all the birds came in a box of 25, hatched on the same day, brooded together and raised together. Always been fed the same feed, in the same environment.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]Apologize for my crappy photography and camera quality. It is what it is. While it doesn't come through on the camera well, I can give you this hint. Their feathering quality is vastly different in real life. You'll have to decide which is which and why.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]Rules for the Quiz.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]1. Only those who've kept backyard birds for less than 3 years are allowed to take the quiz.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]2. No one can reply right now. Anyone who replies today, will be DQ'd. No ifs, ands or butts.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]3. The window of turning in your Quiz responses will NOT be until this time tomorrow. There will be an open window of 8 hours in which to turn in your Quiz. Anytime tomorrow is just fine, after[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]1 pm EST.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]Noon[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]CST,[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]11 am MST[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]and 10 am PST. Sure, this is a gimmick, but hey. I want to think about this quiz and not give instant, knee jerk responses. OK?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]4. Tell me what you see in comparing these two birds.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]5. Tell me if you would cull one, both, neither, and why you think so.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=333333]OK, there it is. Is everyone ready for the photos to judge?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt][COLOR=800080]Well, to me she, bird#1, has a smallish comb thats a little pale and her tail seems too tight.  I like her color, her shiny legs but she is not really projecting anything regal in personality and I am not impressed with her over all.  In the other pics she seems meatier to me.  Her legs seem stronger than the other one. Some sites explain that these chickens will look haggard due to protein redirection to egg making.  So a poor feathering might be a good trait or at least expected.  See article below.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=000000][COLOR=0000CC][/COLOR][/COLOR]. It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=000000]7 Mar 2012[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=000000]22:39:44[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=000000]GMT[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][COLOR=000000]. The [COLOR=0000CC]current page[/COLOR][/COLOR] could have changed in the meantime. [COLOR=0000CC]Learn more[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt][COLOR=800080]I cannot tell which has the better feathering at all.  Bird #2[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=14pt][COLOR=800080] has a more appealing comb size and comb color to me, a tail a little too high but not as pinched- might grow out good.  Seems more active and curious and the paler legs might mean she is a good layer.  Her thinner structure is more true to her heritage- I think.  Her attitude is fiestier-maybe,- which I like.  I am not feeling very impressed with either one, esp after seeing all the great photos recently.  Now I am comparing them to those Cornish that are so amazing and they seem like sad little replicas.  Hen #2 I would be more likely to keep.  If they are laying well and healthy I’d keep them but some of my flock look just like them so I know what I would do.  IF I had an opportunity for better chickens I’d cull #1 and not breed #2.  If this is all wrong please be gentle.  It’s difficult for me not being perfect.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Now that I've gone back and read other responses, I'm happy to see that Lisa and I agree.... We may both be wrong, but at least we have the same misconceptions to be fixed! Lol

And I'm enjoying reading the OT jabs between the newbie quiz-takers. LOL
FRED's Quiz:

Ok, here is the promised Pop Quiz. But here are the rules and background info.

There are two birds focused on here. I will try to identify them simply as Bird #1 and Bird #2. They are both ISA Browns, the quintessential layer. Think the CX of the layer birds. These are not dual purpose fowl. They are dedicated purpose fowl. Eggs, eggs and more eggs. They are both 8 months old, all the birds came in a box of 25, hatched on the same day, brooded together and raised together. Always been fed the same feed, in the same environment.

Apologize for my crappy photography and camera quality. It is what it is. While it doesn't come through on the camera well, I can give you this hint. Their feathering quality is vastly different in real life. You'll have to decide which is which and why.

Rules for the Quiz.

1. Only those who've kept backyard birds for less than 3 years are allowed to take the quiz.
2. No one can reply right now. Anyone who replies today, will be DQ'd. No ifs, ands or butts.
3. The window of turning in your Quiz responses will NOT be until this time tomorrow. There will be an open window of 8 hours in which to turn in your Quiz. Anytime tomorrow(NOW TODAY, DEC. 9) is just fine, after 1 pm EST. Noon CST, 11 am MST and 10 am PST. Sure, this is a gimmick, but hey. I want to think about this quiz and not give instant, knee jerk responses. OK?
4. Tell me what you see in comparing these two birds.
5. Tell me if you would cull one, both, neither, and why you think so.

OK, there it is. Is everyone ready for the photos to judge?

Bird # 1

Bird # 1 Bird # 2

Bird #1 Bird # 2

Bird # 2

Bird # 2

I think I qualify for the quiz because I've had chickens twice but haven't quite reached the three year mark combined. Never bred with intent, which I plan to do this coming spring. First time I had them two years, this time around I've only had them 6 months.

My impression of these two pullets is that #2 looks like an egglayer type - she has plenty of organ room, somewhat more upright stance with what looks to me like more space between her legs, alert attitude, red comb and wattles; #1 looks tucked into herself, if that makes sense, with a pale comb and wattles - she looks unwell in two of the pics and if that is representative I would cull. Her build is not that of an egglayer but more a DP bird. To me.
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