Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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We have scrap wood from our coop renovation. Never thought about the wire. That's the problem...they seem to bill it out of every feeder we've tried - even the hanging feeder. This is definitely an idea to explore in spring.
Thank you OT's. I am a relative noob-2 years into chickens. I read a lot here before I got to start with birds and it helped. This type of info helps us and our chickens stay happy and safe. Love this thread!
I think most of the OTs had to go to will I soon. I am encouraging all youngsters to ask questions and all OTs to answer them, if they will.

If yer not an OT, please clarify that before you post advice. That way no one gets confused about just what this thread is supposed to be!

****A suggestion has been made by a newbie that we all place our relative years of chicken husbandry next to our location on our profile....I think this is a good idea and will sort the wheat from the tares, so to speak. Get yer years up there and show yer ages in doing so....we won't laugh...much.
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Bee , Al , Fred ya'll have always had good common sense approach to chicken care not always appreciated by the pc crowd. This is wonderful thread for some to take notes . Personally never understood why people would go & get chicks with no coop. Then c/o about all the dust etc in the house.What were they thinking ? If they are reading any kind of book at all they would know why pasty butt & how to fix it . Learn the search engine look for the answers granted most want it all right now but. It don't work that way , just like when are they gonna lay when they get ready .
Animals have times they do things & they are not, on our schedule.Give them reasonable nutrition,housing,time out or their coop they should do fine.Keep their coop reasonably clean all will be good on that front.Now th ese are things I have learned from the 3 of you.
This 1 I have never understood why kiss your chickens I mean you know where those beaks have been. Not only that why have their face that close to yours could cost you an eye.
Come on guys ya'll have had some of best threads on here.
Now we know.......

Oh it's completely legit, I'm a paramedic and as long as we aren't on a call we can be on the computer, take naps, watch TV whatever.

Gotcha. Thanks for the work you do. I believe you have to have a heart and a calling for that kind of work.
I've been around or raising poultry since I could walk and I'm 62 now.
:old My Dad raised pheasants like we raise chickens. We never used heat or lights. rubber tubs make great water bowls. I use the hanging feeders and a crock pan for oyster shells and grit. I'm building a new coop and right now the chickens have a tarp on the northend of their run and a third of the top. They are doing fine. I do talk to them when I feed and gather eggs. My little Silvewrduck wings are in a small run with one end covered in hard plastic to protect them from the elements, they also are getting a new coop. I have never wormed a chicken they do fine and are healthy. I have a large golden retreiver in the yard to protect them and my goats from preditors. The goats seem to take care of any snakes that come thru their pen and the dogs take care of the rest of the problems. I live on 22 acres in the country. the reason for the lack of coops is we had a large wind storm and the damage to the coops made them dangerous.
I have tore them down but due to health problems it's a slow go for me to rebuild. My DH and I work from daylight to dark so there is very little time to build.
Sorry....didn't mean to cross post, OT! The following paragraph is meant for the general public only!

Now...we aren't gonna bash the chicken huggers on here, are we? I simply don't care how many times one rubs a chicken on their body or what clothing they force the poor thing to wear.
People are freaky and they have the right to be that way in their own homes and with their own animals....I think. Unless there are laws about it and such....

We can, however, address why a chicken must wear a saddle and how to prevent the need....or even question the need when there are other solutions.

We don't want to bash folks who treat chickens like humans but we can tell them the problems that can result from overheating a coop/brooder, feeding "treats", keeping chickens past their usefulness and the problems that can arise, etc.

So...OTs...any pet peeves on chicken care and a solution to avoid the problem?
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I did the same thing years ago and now almost all of my pen's have them. So simple and easy most folks don't even think about it.
You mean like these LOL.



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