chickens in subdivision???

I missed that the first time through the posts! I told the neighbors that if the girls were boys, I was intending the same thing... but now I wish one of the girls were a rooster... I may be strange, but having hens without a rooster seems unnatural.
We live in the middle of Charlotte, NC in a subdivision and wanted to try a few chickens as pets. The local laws only ask that the hen house be set back 10 off property lines. We decided to not have a rooster to stay quiet for the neighborhood. Our 10 hens are now 8 weeks old and loving their new henhouse and run. The neighbors are all positive and waiting for their free eggs :) I'd say go for it!
Go for it! I live outside of Charlotte in a subdivision that is only 4 years old. No home owners association here (there is good and bad to those) so nothing to stop me. Neighbors up the street have a horse and goats so why not a couple of chickens (I have 23 now) I deal with neighbors bloodhound barking all day and night, the other neighbor has pit bulls that are going to meet their maker if they come in my yard again, and a weiner dog from he-double toothpicks. My chickens are calm in comparison!!
Funny I live outside Charlotte NC too! I have 10 chickens and 3 goats with under 2 acres. I know of at least 2 others in the subdivision that have chickens and someone else has horses. The neighbors don't mind at all, in fact we had two roosters, and they didn't even know. When I saw my two immediate neighbors, I apoligized about the crowing and they said they didn't even hear it.
We've decided to do it.
Having fence put up in may. My covenents don't say anything about chickens or farm animals. I'm not asking anyone if I can.
Only 1 neighbor can see our yard, and that is until we put that privacy fence up. she's fairly friendly as our neighbors go. We have put up with a lot from our neighbors as far as barking dogs-and our covenents do address this, but they can't do anything about it.
I guess we're planning on getting our chickens in august? CAn you get baby chicks then? Think we might get a bunny or two also.
When i was in 4H and was raising chickens mine were so spoiled, would let yo pick them up and pet them.
Excellent decision! In my area, I don't believe we can get chicks in late summer; not sure why. Check around. And remember, if you get some bunnies, remember that they don't need to be caged up. You can keep them in your house if you like and have them roam freely to make your life so much more interesting and enjoyable (provided any other house pets will tolerate them). Bunnies are very easy to litter train, just like cats. My last bun lived inside for all of his 8 years of life, roaming the house, waking everyone up by jumping on the beds at 5am, and entertaining us with his jumping antics around the house. It was very sad when he died but he lived a long pampered life and we will never forget him. He was a pleasure to keep, and never went outside of litter box to pee or poop.
I'm in a similar situation to fredntan2, thinking of keeping a pair of layers in my little yard in a condo complex, although "complex" is a huge exaggeration- only 5 units. mine is the only unit with access to the yard, no one else has set foot in it in the 2 years I've lived here. to get to my question- how much noise do chickens make (no roosters, only hens) that is the only thing I can see my neighbors complaining about. I don't think they will complain since the kids in the neighborhood scream and play in the street all day, but I don't want to suggest to them that if they are too noisy, I'll have them slaughtered because I wouldn't actually do it.
For me this meant inviting the neighbor kids to come over with their parents to see the chicks. I gave them all a tour of the coop and fenced in run. I promised them eggs. I told them I planned to keep a rooster but to tell me if he was too noisy and I would have him slaughtered. And I used the word slaughtered so they understood the fate that would befall the rooster if they had an objection to him. wink

OH MY! If had had seen these things as babies there is no way I would want to be responsible for having one slaughtered! GREAT way to deal with that LOL Invite them over to see them as babies! LOL​

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