Chickens that bully people - normal?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 15, 2009
This is our second round of 6 chickens. We had a gold sex-link with the first that made all of us nervous. She would meet me at the hen house door and watch my fingers a little too closely while I filled their feeder. She would run at and nip my daughter, though I didn't believe her till it happened to me while I was guiding them back into their house one evening (we aren't fully fenced, so they don't go out of their house unless we're out there). Happened to both of us a few more times, till we just stopped letting them out.

This round is about 4 months old now, and for a few months our Rhode Island Red has been meeting me at the door, again watching a little too close. The others all hang back, but she's right at the door the whole time. If I sprinkle food in another part, she'll eat a bit then right back to watch me.

I hate being so nervous around her, and I want the kids to help but they are even more nervous. Any ideas?

Chickens are very food orientated so I would consider changing your routine. Take your hands out of the equation. I use a small bucket and pour the feed, that way my hands aren't ' fair game '
Sometimes it s just a matter of tweaking things. Keep a soft broom by the door and if you feel intimidated just give her a gentle lift and scoot .
I use a good sized cup, so my fingers are wrapped around it. Their feeder hands on some paracord, and I pull it as close to the door as I can. Maybe with a bucket I could hold the top of it, a little more out of potential range.
Push her away from you. You're the human, you say who goes in your space. If she's in your space and you don't like it, move her out. Use your foot to push her away from you. I use the verbal cue "Shoo, shoo" as I walk through my chicks, pushing them with my, well, shoe
. They learn to move away as I walk through the crowd. I'm paranoid I'm going to step on a chick, especially when I'm carrying something and can't see well. Making her respect your space wont' make her be afraid of you at all, it will have her recognize you're the boss and have the say on what happens.

I've had to re-train a rooster who was too comfortable being close to me. I got him when he was about 8 months old, and he liked to be within 2 feet of me when I was in the coop. I like more space, I like my roosters especially to keep a respectful distance. Now, this guy never once made any type of aggressive move, but I just didn't like him that close. I did as described above, now he keeps more like 4 feet. Still a touch close for me, but he's definitely not scared of me, just more respectful.
maybe add some watermelon or squash which they love so it will keep their mind on it instead of you so put it farthest away from your feeder so when you go to feed their busy doing something else to keep themselves busy.
I never had the chance to have a golden sex link I had one as a chick but it passed from the weather so im not sure if its just the breed but try it and if the chicken goes after anybody, straight out the door is what I would do.
My chickens are all super tame and friendly, which is good, but sometimes they are RIGHT under my feet as soon as I open the door to the run. When I'm carrying the feed bucket and I can't see them well I worry about stepping on them (it's happened). So as soon as I open the door I toss a little bit of dry scratch on the opposite side of the run. They take off and go nuts rooting around for the scratch, which keeps them busy and out from under me.

I've also trained my chickens for when to expect treats. Every time I'm coming with the treat tray I "took took" at them (I know, original, right?). It's amazing how fast they learned that call. As soon as I "took took" they go nuts. But it's ALSO amazing how fast they picked up on the fact that if there's no "took took," then I don't have anything worth coming over for. Most of them will still wander over to say hello and get petted (eventually), but they aren't insistent and 'mob-like' the way they are when they expect food.
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My chickens are all super tame and friendly, which is good, but sometimes they are RIGHT under my feet as soon as I open the door to the run. When I'm carrying the feed bucket and I can't see them well I worry about stepping on them (it's happened). So as soon as I open the door I toss a little bit of dry scratch on the opposite side of the run. They take off and go nuts rooting around for the scratch, which keeps them busy and out from under me.

I've also trained my chickens for when to expect treats. Every time I'm coming with the treat tray I "took took" at them (I know, original, right?). It's amazing how fast they learned that call. As soon as I "took took" they go nuts. But it's ALSO amazing how fast they picked up on the fact that if there's no "took took," then I don't have anything worth coming over for. Most of them will still wander over to say hello and get petted (eventually), but they aren't insistent and 'mob-like' the way they are when they expect food.
This is exactly what I do. Toss down a few handfuls of scratch, at the other end of the run, to keep them occupied and then tend to their food/water refills without stepping on them. :)

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