Chickenstock fiesta yardsale August 21

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That's almost criminal in our day....sad for your sis and cat.

OMG, I saw a segment on the news where the guy was using a heat gun, was that it? I hope he is going to cover the stuff she lost, but in the mean time, I am doing a lot of pre-spring cleaning. I have a lot of clothing and if it is her size, I will be happy to give it to her. I also have some mens and young mens too.
Believe me Jackie, I can sympathize more than you know. They have made such a comeback in population according to my friends husband that is a F&G agent. Now they are actually competing with each other for food because there are so many. Start to feed the crows, they will keep them away. i called out to my crows and once again they are hanging around the yard again and I havent seen a hawk since over a week when it had my roo in the snow trying to make a snow angel out of him!
ETA...send out that hawk killa dog! LOL
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There was a bumper crop of rodents this year, so as a result a larger than average number of hawk chicks survived. Of course now with the snow they're finding it harder to find food. Just before taking the dog out this morning a sharp shinned hawk buzzed by our deck feeders trying to catch one of the small wild birds. It missed but I'm sure it will be back. Luckily it's too small to take a chicken.

We even had a bald eagle fly over our yard 2 weeks ago.
First babies of the new year!


Nice toes!

That's almost criminal in our day....sad for your sis and cat.

OMG, I saw a segment on the news where the guy was using a heat gun, was that it? I hope he is going to cover the stuff she lost, but in the mean time, I am doing a lot of pre-spring cleaning. I have a lot of clothing and if it is her size, I will be happy to give it to her. I also have some mens and young mens too.

That must've been what you saw. I don't think anything has been said about covering lost property. I hope they do something for her, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll check with my sis on clothing sizes. Thanks!
The dogs were still in the house and he was inside he barn must have gone in before dawn lil bugger was sitting on the fence while the dogs were going nuts with a layer hen just below him then must have come back because i found another dead hen tonight.These wild animals seem to know where the dogs cant reach.I hate to hurt any animal but my kids come first and what is gonna stop it from trying to take one of my barn cats or baby goats
Believe me Jackie, I can sympathize more than you know. They have made such a comeback in population according to my friends husband that is a F&G agent. Now they are actually competing with each other for food because there are so many. Start to feed the crows, they will keep them away. i called out to my crows and once again they are hanging around the yard again and I havent seen a hawk since over a week when it had my roo in the snow trying to make a snow angel out of him!
ETA...send out that hawk killa dog! LOL
Let us know what they need and sizes and Ill see what we can doMy sympathy for their loss
OMG, I saw a segment on the news where the guy was using a heat gun, was that it? I hope he is going to cover the stuff she lost, but in the mean time, I am doing a lot of pre-spring cleaning. I have a lot of clothing and if it is her size, I will be happy to give it to her. I also have some mens and young mens too.

That must've been what you saw. I don't think anything has been said about covering lost property. I hope they do something for her, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll check with my sis on clothing sizes. Thanks!
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