Chickies, Chickies, Chickies!! Meet the new additions! (Pic heavy!)


Dana and Leah

:lol: That first picture of Toria looks like she's on to your plan. I love your Wyandotte! :love Is she friendly to you? My three Dottes are not friendly in the least, but boy are they eye candy! :drool

Okay, so since posting last, I've fallen in love with the name Georgette for one of my black copper Marans next year. :love So thus far, I'm sure about Georgette for one BCM, Chickory for the silver gray Dorking, and Mabel for the Welsummer. :D Still deciding for the other BCM and the Cream Legbars. I like the name Juno for one of the CCL, but it doesn't seem just right, you know? Oh, I really have gone off the deep end! :th
Well, we're in the middle of a heat wave here. 40-50 degrees and rainy. Margaret is not amused by the indecisive weather. This is a mad, wet Silkie:



"You'd better not be taking my picture!"


Just for comparison, here is a content, dry Silkie from about a week ago:


She's not looking quite so fluffy right now!
Merry Chickmas!

Happy Roo Year!

And for anyone that that doesn't cover, may you have

Happy Bock-Bock-Buh-GAWlidays! :D

Here's what I found under my tree in the chicken yard this morning! Just what I wanted! :love


Well, on with the updates in the new year!

The girls are doing just fine in the first weeks of 2014. Po has settled in and seems to be at last taking his place as part of the flock. We have more than a foot and a half of snow at the moment and no one wants to come outside, but everyone seems to be getting along as is.

Here's the view from the coop at the moment--that 2x4 frame to the left is 3 feet tall, if anyone needed a height reference.


Monday, our high during the day was around -8 I think. Yesterday, we reached 2 and bottomed out at -14. Today, we're in the 20's or so. The girls are doing just fine except for the two with the biggest combs and wattles, and that includes miss Rangi. She and one of the older girls have swollen, frostbitten wattles, and so I prepared them a place and brought them in yesterday to recover. It's been, what, 5 months, and Rangi's back up in my room in the brooder again. :lol:

Getting used to her surroundings, Rangi spent some time looking around and then lounged on her side like she was sunbathing for a few minutes. Here's a bad cell phone picture of her lounging, with Olive's (the other frostbitten girl) great big but in the background:


Around roost time, she promptly freaked out and wanted to be back in the coop. This morning, she did the same thing until the girls outside woke up and she could hear them chattering through the baby monitor. I think she misses her flock, poor girl. At least she's not totally isolated, although Olive doesn't seem the least bit interested in her company. They'll be going back out over the weekend if we get the predicted 40-degree weather--just in time for Rangi and company to turn 8 months old! Then, classes start on Monday for me, so I'm probably gonna be busy, busy, busy for the next 16 weeks. :th
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