Chickies, Chickies, Chickies!! Meet the new additions! (Pic heavy!)

Yeah, Rangi's gonna lose some comb tips, too. The frigid weather did not do her any good, poor girl. I'll get a picture of her tomorrow or sometime soon. I've got to get a picture of tailless Ihi, too.

Sorry to hear about your Silkies.
It stinks when that happens, but don't blame yourself.

The Legbars are named from classic Doctor Who. I love DW (hence my Sebrights, Amy and Rose--I had a third named Martha, too) and just got into Classic Who with the 50th anniversary. There was a Time Lady named Romanadvoratrelundar that was the fourth Doctor's companion. Serenadellatrovella was another Time Lady and companion to the second Doctor in a book.
(And yes, I misspelled it in my first post. Missed a syllable.)

Pronunciations--oh boy! Romanadvoratrelundar is row-man-add-vor-uh-tree-lun-dar. Emphasize as you please, but I tend to emphasize on MAN and LUN. Her nickname will be Romana IV (row-MAN-ah-four).

Serenadellatrovella is easier: sir-ee-nuh-dell-ah-troh-vell-uh, emphasis usually on EE, DELL, and VELL. Her nickname will be Lady Serena (which... y'all can probably figure out

It was like a heat wave today! 30 degrees!
Spring is coming! Chicks in 109 days!! (108 days in about 25 minutes.
Oh gosh, I think my brain exploded with all the syllables in those names!

I watch Doctor Who, but not enough to be a serious buff of it. I like the old ones better, too.

We had 50 degree temps yesterday.
After having nothing but 10-20 degree temps. Ugh!
:lol: Yeah, they have, what, 8 syllables each? I like long, complicated names. :D

I've been a devoted Whovian since the 10th Doctor and went back to watch 9's run as well, so I've seen all the New Who but not a lot of Classic Who. I'd like to own all the episodes, but there doesn't seem to be a source for all the classic episodes, just a collection from each Doctor. :/

:tongue We've had a few days of subzero temps, surrounded by days in the single-digits and teens for the most part. F-F-Freezing! It feels pretty nice today, though. I think it's around 30 again. :D I'm gonna get my camera out this afternoon, I think.
Yeah, they have, what, 8 syllables each? I like long, complicated names.

I've been a devoted Whovian since the 10th Doctor and went back to watch 9's run as well, so I've seen all the New Who but not a lot of Classic Who. I'd like to own all the episodes, but there doesn't seem to be a source for all the classic episodes, just a collection from each Doctor.

We've had a few days of subzero temps, surrounded by days in the single-digits and teens for the most part. F-F-Freezing! It feels pretty nice today, though. I think it's around 30 again.
I'm gonna get my camera out this afternoon, I think.
I can tell!

My dad orders the old Doctor Who series from Netflix. The ones with Tom Baker. Tom Baker does an awesome Doctor.

I would do the same, since today seems nice, but it's so cloudy out. However, I will be getting birthday pics of my sister-in-law!
Alright, here we go. The pictures I got of Rangi are a little out of focus, but here was the best one showing her 1 1/2 wattles. Poor girl got frostbite bad! This year has been the worst year for frostbite in my flock. Top of my list for summer break is to work on wintertime ventilation!


Before frostbite, for comparison. My poor Rangi. :(


I got pictures of Ihi, too. Here she was at 8 months old, for comparison:


And now, minus her tail. :lol:


"What're you lookin' at?"


And a few of the others. Whiri and Marama didn't want to cooperate, but here are the rest of them:

Miss Huka:


Roha, the little ham:


Mr. Po:


And the lovely Margaret, who blends in nicely with pine shavings:


I love her eyes. :love

:lol: I think so! I have to wait until May, though, because I'm too busy with classes until then. (And I pushed back the date an additional week because otherwise we would have been on the road all day on Rangi and friends' first hatchday! I couldn't have that!)

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