Chicks at 3 weeks old


Apr 30, 2019
My chicks are about 3 weeks old and I am thinking about moving to coop. Getting to big for brooder. What do you think.
I would probably hold off till 4-5 weeks as they do not appear to have much feathering out and can chill quickly. The whole body should have new feathers and most of head. I would also make sure your outside temps at night are not much cooler than 65-70. If they are lower temps might need heat at night for a bit. :welcome
Time to cut the cord. How cold is it there? They should be feathered in and ready to withstand cooler temps.:)
We have had crazy winds and a lot of rain storms. The temperature keeps bouncing day to day so I really can't say hey it's been this during the day and this at night. Oh trust me I am ready to cut some cords, I currently have 15 indoors!! :eek:
We have had crazy winds and a lot of rain storms. The temperature keeps bouncing day to day so I really can't say hey it's been this during the day and this at night. Oh trust me I am ready to cut some cords, I currently have 15 indoors!! :eek:

Oh dear. Our weather has been up and down too but lowest here right now is 50s at night 60s-80s during the day. Yeah! You’ll get there.

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