Chicks eating pine shaving specks


5 Years
Feb 23, 2016
My chicks are a week old. I've been putting paper towels over the pine shavings until they get used to the food. Every time I pull up the paper towels, thinking they are ready for the pine shavings, they go crazy and start eating all the little specks of pine shavings. I've tried putting the shavings on very thick but they always scratch it away so they can get to the bottom and eat the specks. Is this okay? They are also at the point now where they are starting to shred the paper towels so I don't know which is worse. Thanks!
IMO, week old chicks are ready for pine shavings. As you've found, constantly replacing paper towels is a real hassle. Just keep the feeders full and it shouldn't be a problem.
Chickens love to scratch for food. That's how they roll and chicks are no different.
Yep, time to get rid of the paper towels. It's almost impossible to keep chick feed from scattering all over, so they very well could be pecking feed crumbs from the bottom of the brooder. Mine did that all the time until I discovered an awesome feeder hack:

You could also give them a large container filled with sand for a dust bath and a little perch. That'll give them something else to entertain themselves.

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