Chicks of Different Ages


7 Years
Sep 4, 2012

We were just given two chicks that are three weeks old (healthy and doing fine). We already had 8 more on order that will arrive next week. My question is how to integrate them?

We currently have the two 3-week old chicks in the brooder. Can we just add the new chicks or should we keep them separate? Thanks.
With only two big ones, you'll likely be fine to add the little ones straight in. Make sure you give plenty of space since the new chicks will need plenty of heat and the big ones room to escape the heat and to zoom. You'll want to watch closely the first day to be sure the older ones don't pick on the little ones. What you will probably see is the new arrivals trying to hide under the older chicks like they would a hen.
We moved our older girls out at about 4 wks into the coop/run (with heat at night) so the new guys could go into the brooder. We then moved the 13 new guys out into the coop/run about 2 weeks later (we were down to just 2 by that time thanks to our dog) and they did great together. One of the older girls is a little high strung so she runs full speed at the smaller guys and you just 'know' she's going to hurt someone but she stops just short of them and I haven't noticed any pecking or problems at all. We've been very surprised at how the older ones seemed to 'step-up' and keep an eye on the younger guys. At about a week old we would take them out and let them free range for an hour or two with the older girls and the older girls wanted NOTHING to do with the little guys. Now they run over to where they are if we try putting them in a different area. We are getting another order on Wednesday of bantams and I'm a little concerned with mixing them in at 2 weeks like we did the others. The second group is straight run and I think we have a number of roo's in the mix and even though no one has been hurt, bringing bantams in might not be the best idea. Since the first grouping went so well we might removed the ones that seem to be trouble makers and after the newest additions have been accepted and settled in then add the others back.
New to the world of backyard chickens! We got 26 barred rock day old chicks on Thursday last week and added three Americauna day old chicks today. We put them together and are keeping a close eye on them. Anything else we should watch for?

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