chicks smothering one another

I read somewhere on this site that when you move chicks from their brooder out to their coop, that you were supposed to leave them shut in the coop for a week and that was how they learned to go back in at night. Somehow they then associated the coop with security, or home or something??  Seemed harsh when I read it - but is there something to that? - I sure don't want to be chasing chicks into the coop at night!

Well, my girls were shut in their coop for 2 weeks due to inclement weather and they sure didn't know to go back to the coop at night!!! :p
I've had the same problem before, i lost one of my chicks because the others sat on her. poor things. the only suggestion i can think of, is possibley maybe seperating them into smaller groups?
Two words will solve this problem......meal worms. Yup, those pricey little buggers, if given as a treat when they are supposed to be in on their roost, will do it. Mine are at the point where all I have to do is stand there and shake the jar and they come running.
I give them mealworms during the day just so they'll associate me with a good time rather than "Scatter! Here comes the human!" but I'll try this at dusk tonight. I'm guessing it may take a few nights because right now, when I come in the coop to clean/feed, they all run outside...don't like sharing their personal space with me. They all come running when we're outside though if they see mealworms.

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