Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

(Ooh, how ominous. :oops: :gig )

Dimitri glanced to Zaine and waved happily to him. Unaware of the plot aginst him by Alexis.

(I'm assuming he's in their class. )
( :lol: )
Zaine's face tightened, his lips forming a very nice frown as he realized who was in this class and had seen him. Utter disappointment was what he felt at the moment. He quickly turned his eyes towards the teacher's messy whiteboard.

Alexis glanced up to see who Dimitri was waving to. A cute, rather unhappy looking, blonde? Probably his roommate who Andorra had run into.

(Yes, he's in the same class)
( :lol: )
Zaine's face tightened, his lips forming a very nice frown as he realized who was in this class and had seen him. Utter disappointment was what he felt at the moment. He quickly turned his eyes towards the teacher's messy whiteboard.

Alexis glanced up to see who Dimitri was waving to. A cute, rather unhappy looking, blonde? Probably his roommate who Andorra had run into.

(Yes, he's in the same class)

Dimitri frowned and deflated. He sighed softly and looked down at his notebook in despair. Why did Zaine hate him so much. He didn't eat him, and that was on great restaurant on his part. He sighed again before looking to the teacher to continue to take notes. No longer in a playful mood.
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Dimitri frowned and deflated. He sighed softly and looked down at his notebook in despair. Why did Zaine hate him so much. He didn't eat him, and that was on great restaurant on his part. He sighed again before looking to the teacher to continue to take notes. No longer in a playful mood.
Alexis, having noticed the shift in Dimitri's mood, ripped a strip off of the price of paper she had scrawled a few notes on. She then wrote in bold letters on it 'Poop' and slid it onto his desk as soon as the teacher looked down.
(Dimitri's. And it's just a piece of paper :lol: )

( A piece of paper with the word poop on it, makes it a potential poop bomb. :lau )
Alexis, having noticed the shift in Dimitri's mood, ripped a strip off of the price of paper she had scrawled a few notes on. She then wrote in bold letters on it 'Poop' and slid it onto his desk as soon as the teacher looked down.

Dimitri frowned at the word on the paper, he growled as he snatched it up and balled up the paper. He crossed his arms and glared ahead. Who was he fooling, he couldn't do this. He was too far gone to be saved. He thought bitterly.
Dimitri frowned at the word on the paper, he growled as he snatched it up and balled up the paper. He crossed his arms and glared ahead. Who was he fooling, he couldn't do this. He was too far gone to be saved. He thought bitterly.
(Oh poop, she meant it as a joke :lol: )

Zaine watched Dimitri's actions, suddenly interested in what he was doing. Well, at least more interested in him than in some now dead Asian general the teacher was rattling on about.

Alexis watched at the teacher, but out of the corner of her eye she saw what Dimitri did. She had meant it as a joke, not as an insult or whatever he seemed to have taken it as.
Lucy offered "Want to sleep? I think Simba needs it."

(Oh poop, she meant it as a joke :lol: )

Zaine watched Dimitri's actions, suddenly interested in what he was doing. Well, at least more interested in him than in some now dead Asian general the teacher was rattling on about.

Alexis watched at the teacher, but out of the corner of her eye she saw what Dimitri did. She had meant it as a joke, not as an insult or whatever he seemed to have taken it as.

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