Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

Al I don't see why not, but not sure how you would accomplish that since the baking stone would be in the hot oven if I understand their use right. Do you use a peel? You could turn them onto the peel and then place them on the stone with that.

I have not gone that far in bread making yet. Tempting for sure to get all that stuff, but I have limited kitchen storage space, and so I'm holding back.

I have 2 batches on the go now too! Did another white after setting up the multigrain. If Mike has not been back to answer the question on turning I think I'll not turn one piece and see how it works out!
since your all into making breads i have a question. sometimes in wheat bread there is a little grain that sort of looks like a piece of brown rice.. but not.. it is chewy and i just love it. anyone know what i am talking about? what is it cause i want to put some in my breads
OK, here are the turn out shots.

The dough has more than tripled and I have a heavy flour surface ready, plus this time I had a bit of oil on a plate ready, to put the tools into as needed.


This dough turned out better than yesterday, but you will see in the next pictures the oil streak on the floured surface so maybe too much oil this time? I did still need to work it a bit with a rubber spatula, and it's difficult to not damage the structure of bubbles at this point.


Then I used the oiled egg flipper to cut this batch into the triangular buns we often see sold here as ciabatta.


Dust the top of them with flour and they wait to rise again. The oven is now preheating.
I thought I would use a Silpat mat while the stone is heating, the Silpat will alow for less flour cause it never sticks and can handle very extreme temps right on the stone, they are a baking wonder tool LOL. Ok Mine is on the 10 min rest before more mixing. I will post pic's and continue to post as I go.

Oh yes, a silpat would work! That's on my list of wants too.

So here are the first 6 flipped onto the parchment


And this shows the oven spring 2 minutes into baking, these babies really go for it so leave room between them.

Ok Yours are looking good so far................ I just finished mixing an it did work out just as you described, but you do have to be patient and really get the speed up and then just hold it down and wait till it' forms LOL.
They are rising now.
I want to try to make 3 loafs instead of 4 do you see a problem with that or would the wieght and cook time be off on that ??.

P.S. I love this interaction today with all of baking it at the same time LOL, better than a chat forum LOL.
Well then quit goofin off and get to mixin some dough with us LOL.......
Good ta see ya

Ditto, Al!

Sadly, I'm at mixer here!

I've never made homemade bread; this might be a bit too much for me to begin with!

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