Clean chicken run?

Jun 30, 2017
Hi everyone, I am new here - from MD with 5 red star hens. We've had our little ladies for about 2-3 weeks and the run is starting to look bad (brown and lots of poop) - knew this was going to happen but I am wondering if we need to clean it out or rake it?
Thank you!
A little more information, specifically the size of the area, whether it is fixed or will be moved (tractor style), etc will help. They're are several ways to approach run maintenance, but not all work for every situation.
The run is about 4' x 7' and it is fixed - here is a pic from our first day with the ladies.


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My first suggestion is to read up on the deep litter method (dlm) by searching it here in the site as there are several good discussions on it. Is what I use and love. No smell, no muss, no fuss....ridiculously easy upkeep
Hi everyone, I am new here - from MD with 5 red star hens. We've had our little ladies for about 2-3 weeks and the run is starting to look bad (brown and lots of poop) - knew this was going to happen but I am wondering if we need to clean it out or rake it?
Thank you!
I'm in MD too!! What kind of bedding do you have in the coop? I use fine pine shavings and clean the poop trays & stray droppings with a kitty litter scoop & bucket. I do the same in the run and clean them both a couple times a week and throw some fresh mint in to keep flies out and everything smelling good.

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