Clean duck water and free food. Aquaponics Duckaponics

We are planning on building a new pen setup this autumn . . . I hope I can figure out how to incorporate something like this. Oh, and I hope you don't mind I shared this with some permaculture mates, and you have made some people very, very happy.
This is something a number of them have been looking for and thinking about.
Here is the cover I built out of hardware cloth to keep the little heathens from sting everything before it is fully grown. I will make the cover taller. The other pic is a real easy thing for grown grass and stuff. Its some 2x4s with hardware cloth. I plant the seeds and when it grows I move it over and repeat.

I have a face book group site dedicated to the ducks use in agriculture there are 2 members running a duckponics system and one member doing a build now. You are welcome to join if you like, It is for discussion of the building and matience of these systems . Not for the arguments about e coli. Every person if free to make their own choices on weather they eat of feed their produce to flock.

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